Technical Library | 2007-01-31 15:17:04.0
The goal of this project is to evaluate the reliability of lead-free BGA solder joints with a variety of different pad sizes using several different BGA rework methods. These methods included BGAs reworked with both flux only and solder paste attachment techniques and with or without the use of the BEST stay in place StencilQuick™. The daisy chained test boards were placed into a thermal test chamber and cycled between -25ºC to 125ºC over a 30 minute cycle with a 30 minute dwell on each end of the cycle. Each BGA on the board was wired and the continuity assessed during the 1000 cycles the test samples were in the chamber.
Technical Library | 2010-01-27 19:22:04.0
This paper reviews one of the single most important, but sometimes overlooked or taken for granted, aspects of the electronics industry – The PCB Design Grid System
Technical Library | 2011-08-18 19:12:04.0
Overview of ESD, Associated Risks and Prevention Measures
Technical Library | 2017-11-14 15:30:04.0
Can you put a product that hasn't been fully tested on the market? When it comes to Printed Circuit Board (PCB) assembly and manufacturing, most firms’ answer is neither a strict yes or no.
Technical Library | 2018-11-07 03:31:04.0
Generally speaking, there are not many cases of insufficient solder and solder short in BGA soldering, but it is not impossible. Here we discuss some elements may cause it
Technical Library | 2023-05-10 01:44:04.0
Several ceramic materials are commonly used for the ceramic PCB
Technical Library | 2024-08-06 14:39:04.0
An article describing the process of laser cutting molybdenum with tips and benefits.
Technical Library | 1999-05-06 14:03:04.0
This paper describes how Nikes innovative architecture addresses the expanding requirements of Intels next-generation processor designs while enabling a design environment that is more productive than one built with the previous tool generation.
Technical Library | 1999-08-05 09:31:04.0
This document provides suggested standard contents for equipment reference manuals for semiconductor process equipment. It includes a generic and detailed outline for equipment manuals, with major sections on installing, operating, controlling, and integrating process equipment.
Technical Library | 2012-06-01 00:14:04.0
PLCs are the brains of your operation. When the PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) is not functioning properly, lines shut down, plants shutdown, even city bridges and water stations could cease to operate. Thousands to millions could be lost by one li