Technical Library: 0402 solder thickness (Page 1 of 4)

Effect of Reflow Profile on SnPb and SnAgCu Solder Joint Shear Force

Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:27:13.0

Reflow profile has significant impact on solder joint performance because it influences wetting and microstructure of the solder joint. The degree of wetting, the microstructure (in particular the intermetallic layer), and the inherent strength of the solder all factor into the reliability of the solder joint. This paper presents experimental results on the effect of reflow profile on both 63%Sn 37%Pb (SnPb) and 96.5%Sn 3.0%Ag 0.5%Cu (SAC 305) solder joint shear force. Specifically, the effect of the reflow peak temperature and time above solder liquidus temperature are studied. Nine reflow profiles for SAC 305 and nine reflow profiles for SnPb have been developed with three levels of peak temperature (230 o C, 240 o C, and 250 o C for SAC 305; and 195 o C, 205 o C, and 215 o C for SnPb) and three levels of time above solder liquidus temperature (30 sec., 60 sec., and 90 sec.). The shear force data of four different sizes of chip resistors (1206, 0805, 0603, and 0402) are compared across the different profiles. The shear force of the resistors is measured at time 0 (right after assembly). The fracture surfaces have been studied using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)

Heller Industries Inc.

An Investigation into the Use of Nano-Coated Stencils to Improve Solder Paste Printing with Small Stencil Aperture Area Ratios

Technical Library | 2017-09-28 16:36:33.0

These nano-coatings also refine the solder paste brick shape giving improved print definition. These two benefits combine to help the solder paste printing process produce an adequate amount of solder paste in the correct position on the circuit board pads. Today, stencil aperture area ratios from 0.66 down to 0.40 are commonly used and make paste printing a challenge. This paper presents data on small area ratio printing for component designs including 01005 Imperial (0402 metric) and smaller 03015 metric and 0201 metric chip components and 0.3 mm and 0.4 mm pitch micro BGAs.


Effects of Reflow Profile and Thermal Conditioning on Intermetallic Compound Thickness for SnAgCu Soldered Joints

Technical Library | 2010-04-29 21:40:37.0

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of reflow time, reflow peak temperature, thermal shock and thermal aging on the intermetallic compound (IMC) thickness for Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305) soldered joints.

Flex (Flextronics International)

Beyond 0402M Placement: Process Considerations for 03015M Microchip Mounting

Technical Library | 2015-05-28 17:34:48.0

The printed circuit board assembly industry has long embraced the "Smaller, Lighter, Faster" mantra for electronic devices, especially in our ubiquitous mobile devices. As manufacturers increase smart phone functionality and capability, designers must adopt smaller components to facilitate high-density packaging. Measuring over 40% smaller than today's 0402M (0.4mmx0.2mm) microchip, the new 03015M (0.3mm×0.15mm) microchip epitomizes the bleeding-edge of surface mount component miniaturization. This presentation will explore board and component trends, and then delve into three critical areas for successful 03015M adoption: placement equipment, assembly materials, and process controls. Beyond machine requirements, the importance of taping specifications, component shape, solder fillet, spacing gap, and stencil design are explored. We will also examine how Adaptive Process Control can increase production yields and reduce defects by placing components to solder position rather than pad. Understanding the process considerations for 03015M component mounting today will help designers and manufacturers transition to successful placement tomorrow.

Panasonic Factory Solutions Company of America (PFSA)


Technical Library | 2023-05-02 18:50:24.0

Surface-mount PCB components are smaller than their lead-based counterparts and provide a radically higher component density. They are available in a variety of shapes and sizes designated by a series of standardized codes curated by the electronics industry. Of these PCB components, the 0201-sized are the smallest, measuring 0.024 x 0.012 in. (0.6 x 0.3 mm) – that's 70% smaller than the previous 0402 level! The 0201 components are designed to improve reliability in space-constrained applications such as portable electronics like smartphones, tablets, robotics and digital cameras, but require delicate handling during the assembly process. Given the miniaturized dimensions of an 0201 package, it is crucial that the mounting process abide by a series of guidelines regarding the design of the PCB mounting pads and solderable metallization, PCB circuit trace width, solder paste selection, package placement and overages, solder paste reflow, solder stencil screening, and final inspection. It's advisable that one review this information when procuring the services of a PCB assembler.

Advanced Assembly, LLC.

Board Design and Assembly Process Evaluation for 0201 Components on PCBs

Technical Library | 2023-05-02 19:06:43.0

As 0402 has become a common package for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, research and development on mounting 0201 components is emerging as an important topic in the field of surface mount technology for PWB miniaturization. In this study, a test vehicle for 0201 packages was designed to investigate board design and assembly issues. Design of Experiment (DOE) was utilized, using the test vehicle, to explore the influence of key parameters in pad design, printing, pick-andplace, and reflow on the assembly process. These key parameters include printing parameters, mounting height or placement pressure, reflow ramping rate, soak time and peak temperature. The pad designs consist of rectangular pad shape, round pad shape and home-based pad shape. For each pad design, several different aperture openings on the stencil were included. The performance parameters from this experiment include solder paste height, solder paste volume and the number of post-reflow defects. By analyzing the DOE results, optimized pad designs and assembly process parameters were determined.

Flextronics International

Gold Embrittlement In Lead-Free Solder.

Technical Library | 2014-08-07 15:13:44.0

Gold embrittlement in SnPb solder is a well-known failure mechanism in electronic assembly. To avoid this issue, prior studies have indicated a maximum gold content of three weight percent. This study attempts to provide similar guidance for Pb-free (SAC305) solder. Standard surface mount devices were assembled with SnPb and SAC305 solder onto printed boards with various thicknesses of gold plating. The gold plating included electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG) and electrolytic gold of 15, 25, 35, and 50 microinches over nickel. These gold thicknesses resulted in weight percentages between 0.4 to 7.0 weight percent.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

Stencil Design Guidelines for Electronics Assembly Technologies.

Technical Library | 2014-03-13 15:25:01.0

A student competition paper at Budapest University of Technology And Economics, Department of Electronics Technology gives background, covers stencil design and discusses stencils intended for pin in paste application. The stencil applied for depositing the solder paste is a thin, 75–200 µm thick metal foil, on which apertures are formed according to the solder pads on the printed circuit board. Stencil printing provides a fast, mass solder paste deposition process; relatively expensive, appropriate and recommended for mass production.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Operation of a Vacuum Reflow Oven with Void Reduction Data

Technical Library | 2021-04-21 19:28:30.0

Voids affect the thermal characteristics and mechanical properties of a solder joint, thereby affecting the reliability of the solder interconnect. The automotive sector in particular is requiring the mitigation of solder voids in various electronic control modules to the minimum possible level. Earlier research efforts performed to decrease voids involved varying the reflow profile, paste deposit, paste alloy composition, stencil aperture, and thickness.

BTU International

Stencil Print solutions for Advance Packaging Applications

Technical Library | 2023-07-25 16:25:56.0

This paper address two significant applications of stencils in advance packaging field: 1. Ultra-Thin stencils for miniature component (0201m) assembly; 2. Deep Cavity stencils for embedded (open cavity) packaging. As the world of electronics continues to evolve with focus on smaller, lighter, faster, and feature-enhanced high- performing electronic products, so are the requirement for complex stencils to assemble such components. These stencil thicknesses start from less than 25um with apertures as small as 60um (or less). Step stencils are used when varying stencil thicknesses are required to print into cavities or on elevated surfaces or to provide relief for certain features on a board. In the early days of SMT assembly, step stencils were used to reduce the stencil thickness for 25 mil pitch leaded device apertures. Thick metal stencils that have both relief-etch pockets and reservoir step pockets are very useful for paste reservoir printing. Electroform Step-Up Stencils for ceramic BGA's and RF Shields are a good solution to achieve additional solder paste height on the pads of these components as well as providing exceptional paste transfer for smaller components like uBGAs and 0201s. As the components are getting smaller, for example 0201m, or as the available real estate for component placement on a board is getting smaller – finer is the aperture size and the pitch on the stencils. Aggressive distances from step wall to aperture are also required. Ultra-thin stencils with thicknesses in the order of 15um-40um with steps of 15um are used to obtain desired print volumes. Stencils with thickness to this order can be potential tools even to print for RDLs in the package.

Photo Stencil LLC

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