Technical Library: airborne (Page 1 of 1)

The importance of pollutant capturing when utilizing fume extraction technology

Technical Library | 2023-09-08 06:33:02.0

Fume extraction starts with the capturing of airborne pollutants. In principle, the right collection strategy makes a decisive contribution to the quality of the extraction and filtration technology in air purification systems. Because the degree of collection is the basis for subsequent high-grade filtration, which ultimately results in the efficiency of an extraction system.

ULT Canada Sales Incorporated

Air purification and occupational health & safety in electronics production

Technical Library | 2021-04-16 05:38:38.0

The overall process of manufacturing electronics assemblies is characterized by a number of very different procedures. Along the production chain, technologies for cutting, assembling, soldering, bonding, gluing, marking, potting, etc. are used, all of them have one thing in common: They produce airborne pollutants, some of which can have a significant impact on employees, manufacturing equipment and products - and for this reason need to be removed effectively and efficiently.

ULT Canada Sales Incorporated

Soldering fume in electronics manufacturing - damaging effects and solutions for removal

Technical Library | 2017-11-10 00:58:37.0

Modern electronics manufacturing is made up by a multiplicity of different separation and joining processes, with the later surely taking the vast majority of production technology. Alongside gluing, welding and laser processes, soldering still holds a primary position in electronic assemblies. However, soldering does not always equal soldering, because there are quite a lot of different soldering technologies. Accordingly, you have to distinguish between automated and manual soldering procedures. No matter which soldering process you analyse, all of them have one aspect in common: they produce airborne pollutants, which may have a negative impact on employees, plants and products as well.

ULT Canada Sales Incorporated

PCB Molding An Upward Curve Of Innovation In Building Protection Systems

Technical Library | 2016-08-11 01:21:34.0

Be it a residential building, hospital, shopping mall, hotel, school, educational institution or any kind of a building, the security of the building is a prime facet to get a complete building solution. This also includes protecting the building, its assent and the human life from the airborne toxic industrial chemical, radiological and biological attacks or any accidental release apart from fire, water, earthquake and other security concerns. For these high value security solutions, the upgraded technology for the building safety system is now a top priority, especially in the commercial building sector and residential constructions. To introduce a completely new concept and a unique solution, it is necessary to focus on the dynamic electronic design and manufacturing solution in consultation with the custom PCB experts.


PCB Fabrication Processes and Their Effects on Fine Copper Barrel Cracks

Technical Library | 2015-12-23 16:57:27.0

The onset of copper barrel cracks is typically induced by the presence of manufacturing defects. In the absence of discernible manufacturing defects, the causes of copper barrel cracks in printed circuit board (PCB) plated through holes is not well understood. Accordingly, there is a need to determine what affects the onset of barrel cracks and then control those causes to mitigate their initiation.The objective of this research is to conduct a design of experiment (DOE) to determine if there is a relationship between PCB fabrication processes and the prevalence of fine barrel cracks. The test vehicle used will be a 16-layer epoxy-based PCB that has two different sized plated through holes as well as buried vias.


Mitigation of Pure Tin Risk by Tin-Lead SMT Reflow- Results of an Industry Round-Robin

Technical Library | 2017-10-12 15:45:25.0

The risk associated with whisker growth from pure tin solderable terminations is fully mitigated when all of the pure tin is dissolved into tin-lead solder during SMT reflow. In order to take full advantage of this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the conditions under which such coverage can be assured. A round robin study has been performed by IPC Task group 8-81f, during which identical sets of test vehicles were assembled at multiple locations, in accordance with IPC J-STD-001, Class 3. All of the test vehicles were analyzed to determine the extent of complete tin dissolution on a variety of component types. Results of this study are presented together with relevant conclusions and recommendations to guide high reliability end-users on the applicability and limitations of this mitigation strategy.



airborne searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Vacuum Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB Handling with CE

High Throughput Reflow Oven
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
