Technical Library: bga soldering problem short (Page 1 of 1)

Hidden Head-In-Pillow soldering failures

Technical Library | 2022-12-23 20:44:54.0

One of the upcoming reliability issues which is related to the lead-free solder introduction, are the headin-pillow solderability problems, mainly for BGA packages. These problems are due to excessive package warpage at reflow temperature. Both convex and concave warpage at reflow temperature can lead to the head-in-pillow problem where the solder paste and solder ball are in mechanical contact but not forming one uniform joint. With the thermo-Moiré profile measurements, this paper explains for two flex BGA packages the head-in-pillow. Both local and global height differences higher than 100 µm have been measured at solder reflow temperature. This can be sufficient to have no contact between the molten solder ball and solder paste. Finally, the impact of package drying is measured


Possible reasons for simultaneous solder skip and short circuit of BGA

Technical Library | 2018-11-07 03:31:04.0

Generally speaking, there are not many cases of insufficient solder and solder short in BGA soldering, but it is not impossible. Here we discuss some elements may cause it

Seamark Zhuomao Photoeletric technology(Shenzhen)CO., ltd

Head-On-Pillow Defect – A Pain in the Neck or Head-On-Pillow BGA Solder Defect

Technical Library | 2023-09-05 21:00:53.0

The head on pillow defect is becoming more common. This paper describes one such occurrence for an OEM and explains how it was dealt with. In this particular case it was solved by application of problem solving skills by the OEM, component supplier and the solder paste provider

Research In Motion

Solving the ENIG Black Pad Problem: An ITRI Report on Round 2

Technical Library | 2013-01-17 15:37:21.0

A problem exists with electroless nickel / immersion gold (ENIG) surface finish on some pads, on some boards, that causes the solder joint to separate from the nickel surface, causing an open. The solder has wet and dissolved the gold. A weak tin to nickel intermetallic bond initially occurs, but the intermetallic bond cracks and separates when put under stress. Since the electroless nickel / immersion gold finish performs satisfactory in most applications, there had to be some area within the current chemistry process window that was satisfactory. The problem has been described as a 'BGA Black Pad Problem' or by HP as an 'Interfacial Fracture of BGA Packages…'[1]. A 24 variable experiment using three different chemistries was conducted during the ITRI (Interconnect Technology Research Institute) ENIG Project, Round 1, to investigate what process parameters of the chemical matrix were potentially satisfactory to use and which process parameters of the chemical matrix need to be avoided. The ITRI ENIG Project has completed Round 1 of testing and is now in the process of Round 2 TV (Test Vehicle) build.

Celestica Corporation

Effect Of Silver In Common Lead-Free Alloys

Technical Library | 2021-09-08 14:03:55.0

There is need in the industry to understand the effects of silver presence in solders from various applications perspective. This article will attempt to present a review of the key published results on the silver containing alloys along with results of our internal studies on wave soldering, surface mount and BGA/CSP applications. Advantages and disadvantages of silver at different levels will be discussed. Specifically this report will focus on the effect of silver on process conditions, drop shock resistance, solder joint survivability in high strain rate situations, thermal fatigue resistance, Cu dissolution and effects of silver in combination with other alloy additives. Specific application problems demanding high silver level and other requiring silver level to the minimum will be discussed.

Cookson Electronics

Interconnect Reliability Correlation with System Design and Transportation Stress

Technical Library | 2020-10-18 19:35:05.0

Interconnect reliability especially in BGA solder joints and compliant pins are subjected to design parameters which are very critical to ensure product performance at pre-defined shipping condition and user environment. Plating thickness of compliant pin and damping mechanism of electronic system design are key successful factors for this purpose. In additional transportation and material handling process of a computer server system will be affected by shock under certain conditions. Many accessories devices in the server computer system tend to become loose resulting in poor contact or solder intermittent interconnect problems due to the shock load from the transportation and material handling processes.

MiTAC International Corporation


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