Technical Library | 2019-08-15 13:31:52.0
Cracks in ceramic chip capacitors can be introduced at any process step during surface mount assembly. Thermal shock has become a "pat" answer for all of these cracks, but about 75 to 80% originate from other sources. These sources include pick and place machine centering jaws, vacuum pick up bit, board depanelization, unwarping boards after soldering, test fixtures, connector insulation, final assembly, as well as defective components. Each source has a unique signature in the type of crack that it develops so that each can be identified as the source of error.
Technical Library | 2020-01-01 17:06:52.0
The majority of electronic failures occur due to thermally induced stresses and strains caused by excessive differences in coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) across materials.CTE mismatches occur in both 1st and 2nd level interconnects in electronics assemblies. 1st level interconnects connect the die to a substrate. This substrate can be underfilled so there are both global and local CTE mismatches to consider. 2nd level interconnects connect the substrate, or package, to the printed circuit board (PCB). This would be considered a "board level" CTE mismatch. Several stress and strain mitigation techniques exist including the use of conformal coating.
Technical Library | 2007-03-13 14:26:33.0
This article tells what a gerber file is and what it is used for in the electronic manufacturing industry.
Technical Library | 2017-04-24 18:24:42.0
The process of taking a design from schematic to actual working prototype is a complex one, however, and proper documentation is the best way to simplify it.
Technical Library | 2017-06-14 21:33:00.0
Flexible circuitry may be preferable to rigid circuitry in situations where space or weight is limited.
Technical Library | 2021-08-23 01:53:13.0
After the equipment was introduced, the production capacity was increased by 20%, and the number of operators was reduced by 50%. Employees' salary expenses have been reduced by RMB 120,000 per year, and the pass-through rate has increased by 10% .
Technical Library | 2024-11-26 16:43:34.0
A review of factors to consider when evaluating the depanel of a PCB and what you should consider when making a decision on the best process for your project.
Technical Library | 2013-11-27 16:54:01.0
The need in complexity for microwave space products such as active BFNs (Beam Forming Networks) is increasing, with a significantly growing number of amplitude / phase control points (number of beams * numbers of radiating elements). As a consequence, the RF component’s package topology is evolving (larger number of I/Os, interconnections densification ...) which directly affect the routing and architecture of the multilayer boards they are mounted on. It then becomes necessary to improve the density of these boards (...) This paper will present the work performed to achieve LCP-based high density multilayer structures, describing the different electrical and technological breadboards manufactured and tested and presenting the results obtained.
Technical Library | 2020-06-19 19:08:14.0
The designs of electronic devices and systems are being continuously improved by becoming smaller in size and faster in communication speed. The potential risk associated with these specific design improvements will be an increase in power density and, consequently, a greater risk of thermal problems and failures. At the same time, the prevailing use of circuit boards integrated with power devices such as motor controllers and drivers, light-emitting diode (LED) lighting modules, power supplies, and amplifiers, and regulators for TV, etc., drive to the use of a proper thermal management system while designing these kinds of printed circuit board (PCB).
Technical Library | 2021-08-11 00:55:44.0
In this article, the influence of shrinkage tensile stress in potting materials on the anti-overload performance of a circuit board was studied. Firstly, the phenomenon of shrinkage tensile stress in common potting materials was analyzed, and it was found that the commonly used potting adhesives displayed large shrinkage characteristics. Secondly, a small experiment was set up to verify that the shrinkage tensile stress of potting adhesives would lead to printed circuit board (PCB) deformation, and the shrinkage stress was contrary to the acceleration direction of overload. Thirdly, the influence of potting adhesives on the overload resistance of the PCB was analyzed.