Technical Library: consulted (Page 1 of 2)

Performance Measurement: Connecting Strategy, Operations and Actions

Technical Library | 2001-05-23 16:29:52.0

Management consultant R. Michael Donovan outlines the problems and opportunities of performance measurement as an "enabling force" for improving overall business performance...

R. Michael Donovan & Co., Inc.

Demand-based Flow Manufacturing for High Velocity Order-to-Delivery Performance

Technical Library | 2001-05-23 16:36:43.0

Consultant R. Michael Donovan writes that manufacturers need to become more nimble and much faster in their order-to-delivery process. Mike discusses the implications of push vs. pull, IT tools as enablers and potential benefits from Demand-based Flow Manufacturing.

R. Michael Donovan & Co., Inc.

Current Strategies for Mitigating Counterfeit Components

Technical Library | 2012-05-31 21:10:26.0

ProSkill Consulting and Training Group “Current Strategies for Mitigating Counterfeit Components” By: Rick Stanton - PRO-STD-001 Course Director/Corporate VP of Quality It’s well known that counterfeiting has been linked to organized c

ProSkill Consulting and Training Group (ProSkill CTG)

Customer Service Improvement: It's Mission Critical To Your Future

Technical Library | 2001-05-23 16:34:10.0

Consultant R. Michael Donovan asks, "Do you really provide what your customers want and need?" He contends that companies who continuously excel at customer service will gain more marketshare. Mike provides his reader with 10 questions that can help an organization assess its customer service performance, progress and opportunities for improvement.

R. Michael Donovan & Co., Inc.

PCB Molding An Upward Curve Of Innovation In Building Protection Systems

Technical Library | 2016-08-11 01:21:34.0

Be it a residential building, hospital, shopping mall, hotel, school, educational institution or any kind of a building, the security of the building is a prime facet to get a complete building solution. This also includes protecting the building, its assent and the human life from the airborne toxic industrial chemical, radiological and biological attacks or any accidental release apart from fire, water, earthquake and other security concerns. For these high value security solutions, the upgraded technology for the building safety system is now a top priority, especially in the commercial building sector and residential constructions. To introduce a completely new concept and a unique solution, it is necessary to focus on the dynamic electronic design and manufacturing solution in consultation with the custom PCB experts.


PCB Stack-Up

Technical Library | 2011-01-20 18:43:39.0

PCB stack-up is an important factor in determining the EMC performance of a product. A good stack-up can be very effective in reducing radiation from the loops on the PCB (differential-mode emission), as well as the cables attached to the board (common-mo

Henry Ott Consultants

Flex Crack Mitigation

Technical Library | 2008-10-23 15:36:58.0

As part of continuous process improvement at KEMET, most failure modes caused by the capacitor manufacturing process have been systematically eliminated. Today these capacitor manufacturing-related defects are now at a parts per billion (PPB) level. Pareto analysis of customer complaints indicates that the #1 failure mode is IR failure due to flex cracks.

KEMET Electronics Corporation

The Redesign of a High Reliability Avionics Power Supply

Technical Library | 2009-09-09 14:30:40.0

Power supply design for avionics has become an area of increased activity over the past few years. New to the market are industrial quality, high current, lithium based battery systems. Available from a wide variety of vendors, these batteries are characterized by their low weight and high- energy availability...

Orchid Technologies Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Thermal Cycle Reliability Study of Vapor Phase BGA Solder Joints

Technical Library | 2012-09-13 20:45:17.0

First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings. Prior to committing production boards to vapor phase soldering, we performed an evaluation to assess reliability and evaluate the vacuum soldering option. The reliability of vapor

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

An Investigation into Alternative Methods of Drying Moisture Sensitive Devices

Technical Library | 2021-11-26 14:34:07.0

The use of desiccant bags filled with Silica Sand and or Clay beads used in conjunction with a Moisture Barrier Bag to control moisture for storage of printed circuit boards has long been an accepted practice and standard from both JEDEC and IPC organizations. Additionally, the use heated ovens for baking off moisture using the evaporation process has also been a long#2;standing practice from these organizations. This paper on alternative drying methods will be accompanied by completed independent, unbiased tests conducted by Vinny Nguyen, an engineering student (now graduated) from San Jose State University. The accompanied paper will examine the performance levels of different technologies of desiccant bags to control moisture in enclosed spaces. The tests and equipment set were reviewed by an engineer and consultant to the Lockheed Martin Aerospace Division and the IPC - TM-650 2.6.28 test method was review by engineer from pSemi. The tests were designed to mimic performance tests outlined in Mil Spec 3464, which both IPC and JEDEC have adopted for their respective standards. The test examined variables including absorption capacity rates, weight gain and release of moisture back into the enclosed area. The presentation will also address and highlight: • Similarities of PCBs and Heavy Equipment as it applies to Inspections, Causes of Failure, Types of Corrosion and Moisture Collection Points. • Performance Attributes of Different Desiccant Technologies as it applies to shape, texture, change outs, labeling and regeneration. • Venn Diagram of Electromechanical Failure with the circles 1. Current 2. Contamination 3. Humidity Presentation Available

Steel Camel

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