Technical Library: dielectric absorption (Page 1 of 1)

Connector Models - Are They Any Good?

Technical Library | 2012-02-16 16:53:16.0

Channel simulations are only as accurate as the models used to develop them. While we have seen much effort placed on printed circuit board (PCB) materials (copper finish, dielectric moisture absorption), other elements within the channel have been largel

Samtec, Inc.

Understanding Circuit Material Performance Concerns for PCBs at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

Technical Library | 2018-04-11 22:18:05.0

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency applications are becoming more common. There are applications utilizing PCB technology at 60 GHz, 77 GHz and many other mmWave frequencies. When designing a PCB for mmWave frequency, the properties of the circuit materials need to be considered since they can be critical to the success of the application. Understanding the properties of circuit materials at these frequencies is very important.This paper will give an overview of which circuit material properties are important to mmWave frequency applications using PCBs. There will be data supplied which demonstrates why these properties are essential to the circuit material selection for mmWave applications. Some properties discussed will be dielectric constant (Dk) control, dissipation factor, moisture absorption, thickness control and TCDk (Temperature Coefficient of Dk). Measured comparisons will be shown for insertion loss and Dk versus frequency for different types of circuit materials up to 110 GHz. As part of the test data, the impact on circuit performance due to TCDk and moisture absorption will be shown at mmWave frequencies.

Rogers Corporation


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