Technical Library: gfn fr4 material (Page 1 of 1)

Can You Laser Cut FR4?

Technical Library | 2024-10-29 15:57:34.0

Reviews the laser technology used for cutting FR4 material

A-Laser, Inc.

How to choose the material of PCB ?

Technical Library | 2019-12-30 02:09:39.0

How to choose the material of PCB ? The choice of PCB material must meet the design requirements, the quality of production and cost need to achieve a balance. The design requirements include electrical and institutional parts. This material problem is usually important when designing very high speed PCB boards (frequencies greater than GHz). For example, the commonly used FR-4 material may not be used when dielectric loss at several GHz frequencies, which can have a significant effect on signal attenuation . In the case of electrical, it is important to note whether the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss are combined at the designed frequency


Can You Laser Cut FR4?

Technical Library | 2024-08-26 16:47:48.0

Laser Technology being used to cut FR4 material and what are the applications of.

A-Laser, Inc.

High Performance Multilayer PCBs Design and Manufacturability

Technical Library | 2013-10-31 17:36:41.0

Multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs) that utilize high performance materials are inherently far more challenging for a fabricator to build, due to significant material property differences over standard epoxy glass FR4. These unique material characteristics often require higher processing temperatures, special surface treatments (to aid in hole and surface plating), they possess different expansion properties, making layer-to-layer registration more difficult to control, and require many other unique considerations.

Spectrum Integrity, Inc.

Bromide-Free Options for Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2008-12-11 01:15:56.0

Flame retardants have been around since the Egyptians and Romans used alum to reduce the flammability of wood. Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) first experienced use after World War II as the substitution of wood and metal for plastics and foams resulted in materials that were much more flammable. The widespread use of BFRs initiated in the 1970s with the explosion of electronics and electrical equipment and housings. For the US market, all of these products must conform to the UL 94 flammability testing specifications. In fact, the most common printed circuit board (PCB) in the electronics industry, FR-4, is defined by its structure (glass fiber in an epoxy matrix) and its compliance to UL 94 V0 standard.

DfR Solutions (acquired by ANSYS Inc)

iNEMI HFR-Free PCB Materials Team Project: An Investigation to Identify Technology Limitations Involved in Transitioning to HFR-Free PCB Materials

Technical Library | 2013-05-16 15:52:00.0

In response to a growing concern within the Electronic Industry to the transition to Halogen-Free laminates (HFR-Free) within the Client Market space (Desktop and Notebook computers) iNEMI initiated a HFR-Free Leadership Workgroup to evaluate the readiness of the Industry to make this transition. The HFR-Free Leadership WG concluded that the electronic industry is ready for the transition and that the key electrical and thermo-mechanical properties of the new HFR-Free laminates can meet the required criteria. The HFR-Free Leadership WG verified that the laminate suppliers can meet the capacity demands for these new HFR-Free laminates and developed a "Test Suite Methodology" (TSM) that can facilitate the comparison and choice of the right laminate to replace brominated FR4 in the Client space... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings.

Intel Corporation


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