Technical Library: manual inspection (Page 1 of 1)

How to Choose the Right PCB Coating Machine Line

Technical Library | 2023-11-07 09:36:38.0

How to Choose the Right PCB Coating Machine Line Selecting the ideal equipment for your PCB coating line can be a complex task. In this article, we will guide you through the critical components of a standard PCB coating machine line and their solutions to common challenges. We'll delve into the line's composition, including the elevator, transfer station, coating machine, inspection station, curing oven, and their interconnectedness through a return conveyor. Let's explore each element and understand its role. Components of a PCB Coating Machine Line: Elevator: The PCB coating process starts with an elevator, efficiently transporting PCB boards to the next stage. Transfer Station: After the elevator, boards are conveyed to a transfer station, preparing them for the coating process. Coating Machine: The heart of the PCB coating line is the coating machine. We offer a range of coating machines, including I.C.T-T550, I.C.T-T550U, I.C.T-T600, and I.C.T-T650. Inspection Conveyor: Following the coating process, the boards move to an inspection station. The second transfer station is equipped with LED lights and a blue glass cover, enabling operators to closely inspect the coating quality. This feature is vital for ensuring consistent, dust-free coatings. Curing Oven: For UV-curable adhesives, we provide a UV curing oven to effectively solidify the adhesive. Return Conveyor: Beneath the entire line runs a return conveyor, connected to the elevator. This conveyor system efficiently returns PCBs from the last elevator to the first one, reducing manual handling and streamlining operations. The Advantages of the PCB Coating Line Design: 1. Easy Accessibility: The operator's station is strategically located beside the coating machine, ensuring easy access for setup and adjustments. 2. Enhanced Efficiency: The integrated return conveyor eliminates the need for manual transport, optimizing workflow. 3. Quality Control: The inspection station with the blue glass cover enables operators to inspect coatings for quality and cleanliness. 4. Dust Prevention: The blue glass cover also serves as a barrier to prevent dust contamination on freshly coated PCBs. Selecting the right PCB coating machine line is essential for achieving quality and efficiency in your operations. Our meticulously designed equipment line, along with its well-engineered components, can help you attain superior results. If you have further questions or need assistance in choosing the best solution for your specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are committed to providing solutions that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

A Printed Circuit Board Inspection System With Defect Classification Capability

Technical Library | 2013-08-15 13:12:11.0

An automated visual PCB inspection is an approach used to counter difficulties occurred in human’s manual inspection that can eliminates subjective aspects and then provides fast, quantitative, and dimensional assessments. In this study, referential approach has been implemented on template and defective PCB images to detect numerous defects on bare PCBs before etching process, since etching usually contributes most destructive defects found on PCBs. The PCB inspection system is then improved by incorporating a geometrical image registration, minimum thresholding technique and median filtering in order to solve alignment and uneven illumination problem. Finally, defect classification operation is employed in order to identify the source for six types of defects namely, missing hole, pin hole, underetch, short-circuit, mousebite, and open-circuit.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

True Height Measurement in Solder Paste Inspection

Technical Library | 2015-04-29 03:48:39.0

SPI equipment is routinely used in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing to monitor and control one of the most crucial steps affecting the finished quality of circuit board. Solder paste deposition is the key process in board assembly operations using SMT techniques. Our LSM™ system was the industry's first popular method of manually inspecting solder paste; our SE systems revolutionized SMT production by offering an automated method for performing in-process 3D inspection on the assembly line. SPI systems measure the height and volume of the solder pads before the components are applied and the solder melted, and when used properly, can reduce the incidence of solder-related defects to statistically insignificant amounts. Critical to the SPI measurement is the accuracy of the height measurement because that has a direct correlation with solder volume and defects.

CyberOptics Corporation

Benefits of Manual X-Ray Inspection for Medium-Sized EMS and OEM suppliers

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 17:42:33.0

Zero-defect strategies and increased demands on the production of assemblies are making quality assurance in electronics production increasingly important. Continous miniaturization of components, ever higher packing densities and the associated hard-to-view assembly areas, as well as the increased use of components such as BGAs, QFNs and QFPs, pose a considerable challenge when it comes to high-precision quality control.

Viscom AG

Using Automated 3D X-Ray Inspection to Detect BTC Defects

Technical Library | 2013-07-25 14:02:15.0

Bottom-termination components (BTC), such as QFNs, are becoming more common in PCB assemblies. These components are characterized by hidden solder joints. How are defects on hidden DFN joints detected? Certainly, insufficient solder joints on BTCs cannot be detected by manual visual inspection. Nor can this type of defect be detected by automated optical inspection; the joint is hidden by the component body. Defects such as insufficients are often referred to as "marginal" defects because there is likely enough solder present to make contact between the termination on the bottom-side of the component and the board pad for the component to pass in-circuit and functional test. Should the board be subjected to shock or vibration, however, there is a good chance this solder connection will fracture, leading to an open connection.

Flex (Flextronics International)

Enhanced X-Ray Inspection of Solder Joints in SMT Electronics Production using Convolutional Neural Networks

Technical Library | 2023-11-20 18:10:20.0

The electronics production is prone to a multitude of possible failures along the production process. Therefore, the manufacturing process of surface-mounted electronics devices (SMD) includes visual quality inspection processes for defect detection. The detection of certain error patterns like solder voids and head in pillow defects require radioscopic inspection. These high-end inspection machines, like the X-ray inspection, rely on static checking routines, programmed manually by the expert user of the machine, to verify the quality. The utilization of the implicit knowledge of domain expert(s), based on soldering guidelines, allows the evaluation of the quality. The distinctive dependence on the individual qualification significantly influences false call rates of the inbuilt computer vision routines. In this contribution, we present a novel framework for the automatic solder joint classification based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), flexibly reclassifying insufficient X-ray inspection results. We utilize existing deep learning network architectures for a region of interest detection on 2D grayscale images. The comparison with product-related meta-data ensures the presence of relevant areas and results in a subsequent classification based on a CNN. Subsequent data augmentation ensures sufficient input features. The results indicate a significant reduction of the false call rate compared to commercial X-ray machines, combined with reduced product-related optimization iterations.

Siemens Process Industries and Drives


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