Technical Library: orbotech 3d spi (Page 1 of 1)

Solder Paste Inspection Technologies: 2D-3D Correlation

Technical Library | 2008-05-28 18:41:53.0

This paper describes correlation between a true 2D area measurement (e.g. printer) and a height map generated area from a SPI system. In addition, this paper will explore the correlation between area/volume measurements and bridge detection between 2D/3D techniques. The ultimate goal is to arm the process engineers with information that can be used to make decision that will impact defects, cost, throughput and Return On Investment.

Speedline Technologies, Inc.

Optimization of Stencil Apertures to Compensate for Scooping During Printing

Technical Library | 2018-03-07 22:41:05.0

This study investigates the scooping effect during solder paste printing as a function of aperture width, aperture length and squeegee pressure. The percent of the theoretical volume deposited depends on the PWB topography. A typical bimodal percent volume distribution is attributed to poor release apertures and large apertures, where scooping takes place, yielding percent volumes 100%. This printing experiment is done with a concomitant validation of the printing process using standard 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) equipment.

Qual-Pro Corporation

True Height Measurement in Solder Paste Inspection

Technical Library | 2015-04-29 03:48:39.0

SPI equipment is routinely used in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing to monitor and control one of the most crucial steps affecting the finished quality of circuit board. Solder paste deposition is the key process in board assembly operations using SMT techniques. Our LSM™ system was the industry's first popular method of manually inspecting solder paste; our SE systems revolutionized SMT production by offering an automated method for performing in-process 3D inspection on the assembly line. SPI systems measure the height and volume of the solder pads before the components are applied and the solder melted, and when used properly, can reduce the incidence of solder-related defects to statistically insignificant amounts. Critical to the SPI measurement is the accuracy of the height measurement because that has a direct correlation with solder volume and defects.

CyberOptics Corporation


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