Technical Library: patterns (Page 1 of 3)

An Alternative Dispense Process for Application of Catalyst Films on MEA's

Technical Library | 2008-10-01 14:02:27.0

This paper proposes an integrated system for film application process than consists of closed loop mass calibration to assure film thickness, a noncontact fast jetting process with high edge definition capable of applying films for highly selective areas and patterns. A system to obtain homogeneity of the solid-fluid mix is described and results are shared.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

BGA Thermal Shock Testing

Technical Library | 2007-02-01 09:27:47.0

The purpose of the testing was to compare the resistance and check for open circuit conditions of reworked BGA test samples made with and without StencilQuik™ after 500 thermal shock cycles. StencilQuick™ is a product of Best Inc. In this series of tests, the resistance of daisy chain resistance patterns running between the BGA and test board after exposure to thermal shock was measured.


Coat-and-Print Patterning of Silver Nanowires for Flexible and Transparent Electronics

Technical Library | 2020-02-19 23:12:55.0

Silver nanowires (Ag NWs) possess excellent optoelectronic properties, which have led to many technology-focused applications of transparent and flexible electronics. Many of these applications require patterning of Ag NWs into desired shapes, for which mask-based and printing-based techniques have been developed and widely used. However, there are still several limitations associated to these techniques. These limitations, such as complicated patterning procedures, limited patterning area, and compromised optical transparency, hamper the efficient fabrication of high-performance Ag NW patterns. Here, we propose a coat-and-print approach for effectively patterning Ag NWs.

Integrated Microwave Packaging Antennas and Circuits Technology (IMPACT) Lab

Influence of Copper Conductor Surface Treatment for High Frequency PCB on Electrical Properties and Reliability

Technical Library | 2019-02-13 13:45:11.0

Development of information and telecommunications network is outstanding in recent years, and it is required for the related equipment such as communication base stations, servers and routers, to process huge amount of data in no time. As an electrical signal becomes faster and faster, how to prevent signal delay by transmission loss is a big issue for Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) loaded on such equipments. There are two main factors as the cause of transmission loss; dielectric loss and conductor loss. To decrease the dielectric loss, materials having low dielectric constant and low loss tangent have been developed. On the other hand, reducing the surface roughness of the copper foil itself to be used or minimizing the surface roughness by modifying surface treatment process of the conductor patterns before lamination is considered to be effective in order to decrease the conductor loss. However, there is a possibility that reduction in the surface roughness of the conductor patterns will lead to the decrease in adhesion of conductor patterns to dielectric resin and result in the deterioration of reliability of PCB itself. In this paper, we will show the evaluation results of adhesion performance and electrical properties using certain type of dielectric material for high frequency PCB, several types of copper foil and several surface treatment processes of the conductor patterns. Moreover, we will indicate a technique from the aspect of surface treatment process in order to ensure reliability and, at the same time, to prevent signal delay at the signal frequency over 20 GHz.

MEC Company Ltd.

Practical Fiber Weave Effect Modeling

Technical Library | 2011-03-16 20:05:15.0

Fiber weave effect is becoming more of an issue as bit rates continue to sore upwards to 5GB/s and beyond. Due to the non-homogenous nature of printed circuit board laminates, the fiberglass weave pattern causes signals to propagate at different speeds wi

Lamsim Enterprises Inc.

Facedown Low-Inductance Solder Pad and Via Schemes

Technical Library | 2008-09-04 17:57:24.0

In the quest for lower ESL devices, having the ESL reduced in the package is only half of the battle; connecting that device to the circuit determines how much of that low ESL appears to the circuit. For this low ESL part type, it would be a shame to take a part of 200 pH and add 2000 pH to its ESL because of via patterns on the PCB.

KEMET Electronics Corporation

Metal-based Inkjet Inks for Printed Electronics

Technical Library | 2014-12-04 18:27:40.0

A review on applications of metal-based inkjet inks for printed electronics with a particular focus on inks containing metal nanoparticles, complexes and metallo-organic compounds. The review describes the preparation of such inks and obtaining conductive patterns by using various sintering methods: thermal, photonic, microwave, plasma, electrical, and chemically triggered. Various applications of metal-based inkjet inks (metallization of solar cell, RFID antennas, OLEDs, thin film transistors, electroluminescence devices) are reviewed.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Defect-Based Test: A Key Enabler for Successful Migration to structural test

Technical Library | 1999-05-06 14:39:20.0

ntelís traditional microprocessor test methodology, based on manually generated functional tests that are applied at speed using functional testers, is facing serious challenges due to the rising cost of manual test generation and the increasing cost of high-speed testers. If current trends continue, the cost of testing a device could exceed the cost of manufacturing it. We therefore need to rely more on automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) and low-cost structural testers.

Intel Corporation

Silicon Test Wafer Specification for 180 nm Technology

Technical Library | 1999-08-05 10:45:36.0

In 1998, the International 300 mm Initiative (I300I) demonstration and characterization programs will focus on 180 nm technology capability. To support these activities, I300I and equipment supplier demonstration partners must use starting silicon wafers with key parameters specified at a level appropriate level for 180 nm processing, including contamination and lithographic patterning. This document describes I300I's silicon wafer specifications, as developed with the I300I Silicon Working Group (member company technical advisors) and SEMI Standards.


Approaches for additive manufacturing of 3D electronic applications

Technical Library | 2020-09-16 21:24:56.0

Additive manufacturing processes typically used for mechanical parts can be combined with enhanced technologies for electronics production to enable a highly flexible manufacturing of personalized 3D electronic devices. To illustrate different approaches for implementing electrical and electronic functionality, conductive paths and electronic components were embedded in a powder bed printed substrate using an enhanced 3D printer. In addition, a modified Aerosol Jet printing process and assembly technologies adapted from the technology of Molded Interconnect Devices were applied to print circuit patterns and to electrically interconnect components on the surface of the 3D substrates.

Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS)

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