Technical Library: size of fiducial (Page 1 of 4)

Effect of Reflow Profile on SnPb and SnAgCu Solder Joint Shear Force

Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:27:13.0

Reflow profile has significant impact on solder joint performance because it influences wetting and microstructure of the solder joint. The degree of wetting, the microstructure (in particular the intermetallic layer), and the inherent strength of the solder all factor into the reliability of the solder joint. This paper presents experimental results on the effect of reflow profile on both 63%Sn 37%Pb (SnPb) and 96.5%Sn 3.0%Ag 0.5%Cu (SAC 305) solder joint shear force. Specifically, the effect of the reflow peak temperature and time above solder liquidus temperature are studied. Nine reflow profiles for SAC 305 and nine reflow profiles for SnPb have been developed with three levels of peak temperature (230 o C, 240 o C, and 250 o C for SAC 305; and 195 o C, 205 o C, and 215 o C for SnPb) and three levels of time above solder liquidus temperature (30 sec., 60 sec., and 90 sec.). The shear force data of four different sizes of chip resistors (1206, 0805, 0603, and 0402) are compared across the different profiles. The shear force of the resistors is measured at time 0 (right after assembly). The fracture surfaces have been studied using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)

Heller Industries Inc.

Performance of Kapton Stencils vs Stainless Steel Stencils for Prototype Printing Volumes Processes

Technical Library | 2013-07-03 10:31:54.0

It has been demonstrated in numerous pieces of work that stencil printing, one of the most complex PCB assembly processes, is one of the largest contributors to defects (Revelino et el). This complexity extends to prototype builds where a small number of boards need to be assembled quickly and reliably. Stencil printing is becoming increasingly challenging as packages shrink in size, increase in lead count and require closer lead spacing (finer pitch). Prototype SMT assembly can be further divided between industrial and commercial work and the DIYer, hobbyist or researcher groups. This second group is highly price sensitive when it comes to the materials used for the board assembly as their funds are sourced from personal or research monies as opposed to company funds. This has led to development of a lower cost SMT printing stencil made from plastic film as opposed to the more traditional stainless steel stencil used by industrial and commercial users.This study compares the performance of these two traditional materials and their respective impact on solder paste printing including efficiency and print quality.


Thermal Management of Electrolytic Capacitors

Technical Library | 1999-05-06 12:08:08.0

Input voltage capacitors are typically the parts that fail first in a high power circuit. Today's requirements for increasingly smaller packages is driving high component densities in power systems, as in all systems. As the package size...

Aavid Thermalloy, LLC

Thermal Management of Hybrid Electronic Devices

Technical Library | 1999-07-21 09:06:19.0

Thermal management is a growing challenge in the electronics industry. As the overall size of electronic devices grows smaller, the enclosed electronic assemblies operate at higher frequencies and generate more heat.

Henkel Electronic Materials

Size Matters - The Effects of Solder Powder Size on Solder Paste Performance

Technical Library | 2020-10-27 02:02:17.0

Solder powder size is a popular topic in the electronics industry due to the continuing trend of miniaturization of electronics. The question commonly asked is "when should we switch from Type 3 to a smaller solder powder?" Solder powder size is usually chosen based on the printing requirements for the solder paste. It is common practice to use IPC Type 4 or 5 solder powders for stencil designs that include area ratios below the recommended IPC limit of 0.66. The effects of solder powder size on printability of solder paste have been well documented. The size of the solder powder affects the performance of the solder paste in other ways. Shelf life, stencil life, reflow performance, voiding behavior, and reactivity / stability are all affected by solder powder size. Testing was conducted to measure each of these solder paste performance attributes for IPC Type 3, Type 4, Type 5 and Type 6 SAC305 solder powders in both water soluble and no clean solder pastes. The performance data for each size of solder powder in each solder paste flux was quantified and summarized. Guidance for choosing the optimal size of solder powder is given based on the results of this study.


Study of the Rheological Behaviors of Solder Pastes

Technical Library | 2018-11-06 12:42:25.0

Solder paste is a homogeneous, stable suspension of solder powder particles suspended in a flux binder, and is one of the most important process materials today in surface mount technology (SMT). By varying the solder particle size, distribution and shape, as well as the other constituent materials, the rheology and printing performance of solder pastes can be controlled. Paste flow behavior is very important in defining the printing performance of any paste.The purpose of this paper is to study the rheological behavior of SAC (Sn-Ag-Cu) solder paste used for surface mount applications in the electronic industry. The reason why the rheological tests are presented in this paper are two critical sub-processes: aperture filling and paste withdraw. In this paper, we report on the investigation of the rheological profiles, the serrated cone-to-plate system was found as effective in parameter minimizing the wall-slip effect

Technical University of Košice

Analysis of Inspection of DPA Test Requirements Applied To Flip Chip Technologies

Technical Library | 2020-01-22 22:52:02.0

Flip chip assembly techniques bring a wide range of benefits: Reduced parasitic interconnection between the semiconductor die and package. Provides a high final assembly integrity density. Minimize the interconnection length, providing better electrical performances, especially for high speed signals. Reduce the device size and weight,…, etc. But there is no dedicated inspection requirements nor DPA standard which address all the necessary aspects associated to this construction type or only cover partially the topics to be inspected.


Body of Knowledge (BOK) for Leadless Quad Flat No-Lead/Bottom Termination Components (QFN/BTC) Package Trends and Reliability

Technical Library | 2023-09-18 14:10:01.0

As with many advancements in the electronics industry, consumer electronics is driving the trends for electronic packaging technologies toward reducing size and increasing functionality. Microelectronics meeting the technology needs for higher performance, reduced power consumption and size, and off the- shelf availability. Due to the breadth of work being performed in the area of microelectronics packaging/components, this report limits it presentation to board design, manufacturing, and processing parameters on assembly reliability for leadless (e.g., quad flat no-lead (QFN) or a generic term of bottom termination component (BTC)) packages. This style of package was selected for investigation because of its significant growth, lower cost, and improved functionality, especially for use in an RF application.

NASA Office Of Safety And Mission Assurance

PWB Manufacturing Variability Effects on High Speed SerDes Links: Statistical Insights from Thousands of 4-Port SParameter Measurements

Technical Library | 2010-08-05 18:39:39.0

Variability analysis is important in successfully deploying multi-gigabit backplane printed wiring boards (PWBs) with growing numbers of high-speed SerDes links. We discuss the need for large sample sizes to obtain accurate variability estimates of SI me

i3 Electronics

Jetting of Isotropic Conductive Adhesives with Silver Coated Polymer Particles

Technical Library | 2018-12-26 10:31:05.0

The development of novel interconnection materials for production of electronics is of considerable interest to fulfill increasing demands on interconnect reliability in increasingly demanding environments with respect to temperature extremes, mechanical stresses and/or production limitations. Adhesives are playing an increasingly significant role in the continuously evolving electronics industry. (...)Specific applications will be presented that highlight the feasibility of the technology with respect to conductivity, structural reliability and lifetime standards. The deposition of the novel ICA has been performed using a jet printing technology to ensure both precise and accurate positioning, size and volume delivery.

Mycronic AB

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