Technical Library: tin whisker risk managemetn (Page 1 of 1)

Tin Whisker Risk Management by Conformal Coating

Technical Library | 2015-10-22 17:37:28.0

The objective of this study is to evaluate conformal coatings for mitigation of tin whisker growth. The conformal coatings chosen for the experiment are acrylic, polyurethane and parylene. Also included in this paper are tin whisker inspection results of tin-plated braiding and wire that was exposed to an environment of 50°C with 50% relative humidity for over five years.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Next Best Thing to a Close Shave: Mitigating the Risks of Tin Whiskers

Technical Library | 2010-09-23 18:22:39.0

If you've been in electronics for any length of time, the phenomenon of tin whiskers is something you've likely heard discussed (maybe in scared whispered tones). Tin whiskers certainly aren't a new problem. In fact, some of the first published reports of the occurrence date back to the 1940’s and 1950's. But, over half a century later, we're still talking about it.

Henkel Electronic Materials

Tin Whisker Risk Mitigation for High-Reliability Systems Integrators and Designers

Technical Library | 2015-06-04 19:10:47.0

Integrators and designers of high-reliability systems exert little or no control over component-level plating processes that affect the propensity for tin whiskering. Challenges of how to assure long-term reliability, while continuing to use COTS parts plated with pure tin, continue to arise. An integrated, quantitative, standardized methodology is proposed whereby mitigation levels can be selected that are appropriate for specific applications of pure tin for given end-uses. A system of hardware end-use classification is proposed, together with recommended appropriate risk mitigation approaches. An updated version of the application-specific risk assessment algorithm is presented together with recommended thresholds for acceptability within the context of the hardware classifications.


Mitigation of Pure Tin Risk by Tin-Lead SMT Reflow- Results of an Industry Round-Robin

Technical Library | 2017-10-12 15:45:25.0

The risk associated with whisker growth from pure tin solderable terminations is fully mitigated when all of the pure tin is dissolved into tin-lead solder during SMT reflow. In order to take full advantage of this phenomenon, it is necessary to understand the conditions under which such coverage can be assured. A round robin study has been performed by IPC Task group 8-81f, during which identical sets of test vehicles were assembled at multiple locations, in accordance with IPC J-STD-001, Class 3. All of the test vehicles were analyzed to determine the extent of complete tin dissolution on a variety of component types. Results of this study are presented together with relevant conclusions and recommendations to guide high reliability end-users on the applicability and limitations of this mitigation strategy.



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