Technical Library: tm-650 copper peel testing (Page 1 of 1)

Reliable Young's Modulus Value of High Flexible, Treated Rolled Copper Foils Measured by Resonance Method

Technical Library | 2018-08-15 17:27:28.0

Smartphones and tablets require very high flexibility and severe bending performance ability of the flexible printed circuits (FPCs) to fit into their thinner and smaller body designs. In these FPCs, the extraordinary highly flexible, treated rolled-annealed (RA) copper foils have recently used instead of regular RA foil and electro deposited foils. It is very important to measure the Young's moduli of these foils predicting the mechanical properties of FPCs such as capabilities of fatigue endurance, folding, and so on. Even though the manufacturers use IPC TM-650 test method for measuring Young's modulus of copper foils over many years, where Young's modulus is calculated from the stress–strain (S–S) curve, it is quite difficult to obtain the accurate Young's modulus of metal foils by this test method.

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