Technical Library: vitronic (Page 1 of 1)

Design Rules For Selective Soldering Assemblies

Technical Library | 2018-02-14 22:58:54.0

This document describes general guidelines and attention points for PCB design regarding selective soldering. The guidelines can be applied for Select Wave and/or Multi Wave soldering process in both leaded and leadfree alloy. When a PCB is designed according to these guidelines, a stable and solid solder-process can be guaranteed.

Vitronics Soltec

Lead-free Wave Soldering of Simple to Highly Complex Boards. Process Optimization

Technical Library | 2008-01-10 19:24:48.0

This research takes an in-depth look at the challenges encountered in developing a lead free wave soldering process based on the specific products as well as on specific materials. It attempts to provide the reader with the information necessary to make educated decisions in selecting materials and controlling various process parameters in order to execute a rational implementation strategy for a reliable and robust lead free wave soldering process.

Vitronics Soltec

Quieting the Noise: Quality Wave Soldering Depends on Control of Its Many Parameters.

Technical Library | 2008-01-24 16:19:43.0

The wave solder process is characterized by a large number of process parameters. To understand them all and their interactions is challenging, particularly when it comes to lead-free soldering. Wave soldering has a number of sub-processes, which include fluxing, preheating, soldering and cooling.

Vitronics Soltec


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