Technical Library | 2008-02-12 22:52:41.0
Corrosion of solder pots and solder pot components in wave soldering equipment has been reduced with the introduction of corrosion resistant coatings and improved lead free solder alloys. The latest trends in protecting wave solder machine components from liquid metal corrosion by lead free solder alloys will be presented in order to provide guidelines for evaluating existing equipment as well as for purchasing new systems.
Technical Library | 2020-03-01 23:06:45.0
For though hole soldering, no matter it's wave soldering or selective soldering, the process is same formed by fluxing,preheating,soldering. How these 3 process will change the soldering result? When you face the soldering defects, what could be the reasons caused these and how to debug them? With below information you may get some hints.
Technical Library | 1999-05-07 10:38:11.0
This paper is a report of a study made to determine the maximum allowable impurities in solder used for wave soldering applications. This report concludes with a list of impurities compiled from actual analyses of solder which caused production problems. A list of recommended maximum allowable impurities will assist in establishing reliable quality controls on the purity level of the solder in a wave soldering machine.
Technical Library | 2003-04-18 12:05:57.0
The popular tin (Sn) rich lead free solders are causing severe corrosion to many of the materials used in today's Wave Solder systems. Users are experiencing higher maintenance frequency and reduced life of wave solder machine components. This paper describes the effects of Sn rich solders in contact with various materials and discusses alternate methods to alleviate this problem.
Technical Library | 2023-11-14 19:33:57.0
Wave soldering is an established technology and is commonly used where large unit volumes occur with low product variety. However, if a wave soldering machine is getting old or if technological changes or new PCB designs limits its manufacturing capabilities, consideration should be given to whether selective soldering would be a better choice. Anyone who deals with soldering through-hole and surface mount mixed-technology printed circuit assemblies will quickly discover that a selective soldering machine is not only less expensive that wave soldering, but selective soldering also offers the opportunity to meet customer requirements with significantly more flexibility. One such company is Thomas Preuhs GmbH. Located in Geislingen, Germany, Thomas Preuhs GmbH manufactures a variety of electronic assemblies for solar and HVAC data systems, automotive and white goods products as well as electric drive systems.
Technical Library | 2008-01-10 19:24:48.0
This research takes an in-depth look at the challenges encountered in developing a lead free wave soldering process based on the specific products as well as on specific materials. It attempts to provide the reader with the information necessary to make educated decisions in selecting materials and controlling various process parameters in order to execute a rational implementation strategy for a reliable and robust lead free wave soldering process.
Technical Library | 2009-01-15 00:42:58.0
Tin-silver-copper has received much publicity in recent years as the lead-free solder of choice. SAC305 was endorsed by the IPC Solder Value Product Council in the United States as the preferred option for SMT assembly; most assemblers have transitioned to this alloy for their solder paste requirements. The SAC305 alloy due to its 3.0% content of silver is expensive when compared to traditional 63/37 for this reason many wave assemblers are opting for less costly options such as tin-copper based solders for their wave, selective and dip tinning operations.
Technical Library | 2007-11-15 15:54:44.0
At the contractor level once a product is required to be soldered with lead-free solders all the processes must be assessed as to insure the same quality a customer has been accustomed to with a Sn63Pb37 process is achieved. The reflow, wave soldering and hand assembly processes must all be optimized carefully to insure good joint formation as per the appropriate class of electronics with new solder alloys and often new fluxes.
Technical Library | 2008-07-10 12:52:18.0
This paper reviews the J-STD-004 and how it is used in flux categorization and selection. It also discusses the major types of flux formulations available, and the design, process and reliability implications of using each type. The purpose of the paper is to help the reader make an informed choice when selecting wave solder fluxes for lead-free processing.
Technical Library | 1999-04-26 15:51:30.0
The goal of the flux evaluation was to identify one product that would meet the needs of all SICN's wave solder products and processes while producing high quality assemblies. At the outset of the evaluation, it was unclear whether a single flux chemistry could satisfy such a broad range of demands, particularly because SICN's utilization of less aggressive, low-impact chemicals.