Technical Library: where to get (Page 1 of 2)

Online Axial Insertion Machines: A Fast and Efficient Way to Insert Components

Technical Library | 2023-09-16 04:04:13.0

Online axial insertion machines are a fast and efficient way to insert components into PCBs. They are ideal for mass production applications where accuracy and repeatability are essential.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

Utility of Dual Applicators for Non-Atomized Conformal Coating to Improve High-Volume Manufacturing Optimization

Technical Library | 2017-12-07 10:35:50.0

Electronics manufacturers protect their circuit boards with conformal coatings. Conformal coatings serve as a barrier from environmental hazards and internal shorts, tin whiskers, and corrosion at the board level. Within conformal coatings different material chemistries specialize in shielding from an array of hazards and can be applied by multiple methods. The most common method is atomized spray which disperses the material into a fine mist. Alternatively, non-atomized coating controls the materials' dispense shape while maintaining the original liquid form. While some applications demand atomized spray and other scenarios overlap between atomized and non-atomized coating, this paper focuses on the circumstances where materials are ideally suited for non-atomized, selective coating.

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

Effective Methods to Get Volatile Compounds Out of Reflow Process

Technical Library | 2016-02-11 18:26:43.0

Although reflow ovens may not have been dramatically changed during the last decade the reflow process changes step by step. With the introduction of lead-free soldering not only operation temperatures increased, but also the chemistry of the solder paste was modified to meet the higher thermal requirements. Miniaturization is a second factor that impacts the reflow process. The density on the assembly is increasing where solder paste deposit volumes decreases due to smaller pad and component dimensions. Pick and place machines can handle more components and to meet this high through put some SMD lines are equipped with dual lane conveyors, doubling solder paste consumption. With the introduction of pin in paste to solder through hole components contamination of the oven increased due to dripping of the paste.

Vitronics Soltec

Selective Soldering: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Wave Soldering

Technical Library | 2023-11-14 19:33:57.0

Wave soldering is an established technology and is commonly used where large unit volumes occur with low product variety. However, if a wave soldering machine is getting old or if technological changes or new PCB designs limits its manufacturing capabilities, consideration should be given to whether selective soldering would be a better choice. Anyone who deals with soldering through-hole and surface mount mixed-technology printed circuit assemblies will quickly discover that a selective soldering machine is not only less expensive that wave soldering, but selective soldering also offers the opportunity to meet customer requirements with significantly more flexibility. One such company is Thomas Preuhs GmbH. Located in Geislingen, Germany, Thomas Preuhs GmbH manufactures a variety of electronic assemblies for solar and HVAC data systems, automotive and white goods products as well as electric drive systems.

Nordson Corporation

When to Use Flex Circuit vs. Rigid Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2017-06-14 21:33:00.0

Flexible circuitry may be preferable to rigid circuitry in situations where space or weight is limited.

Power Design Services

Guide to Light-Cure Conformal Coating

Technical Library | 2017-11-30 10:29:29.0

Each year the electronics industry is faced with new product designs that call for smaller printed circuit boards (PCBs) to function in more aggressive and rigorous service environments. As demands change, conformal coating is becoming increasingly adopted to ensure PCB reliability in environments where moisture, condensation, dust, dirt, salts, chemicals, abrasion, thermal shock, mechanical shock, and other factors can all affect circuit performance. This guide reviews the benefits of using light-cure conformal coatings as well as cost justification, typical processing guidelines and best practices, product selection criteria, data, and industry specifications.

Dymax Corporation

Good Schematics Lead to GOOD LAYOUTS

Technical Library | 2015-04-08 11:10:47.0

An electronic schematic describes the electrical connectivity of a piece of equipment or an entire system. It is made up of symbols that represent individual components and contains electrical and mechanical information and their related connectivity, along with other important data. Information contained within the schematic is packaged into a printed circuit board (PCB) where the mechanical footprint is placed onto the board and connectivity information is graphically displayed. The more accurate the information contained in the schematic is and the clearer it is presented, the more it contributes to a robust printed circuit board.

Advanced Assembly, LLC.

Digital manufacturing for traceability: The way to higher product quality and better warranty management

Technical Library | 2010-08-26 21:06:17.0

Driven by high-profile regulations compliance like the TREAD Act, warranty management has become a hot topic across industries worldwide. Recalls are costly and time-consuming events that should be avoided entirely. But without adequate process traceability and product genealogy, too many customers will get defective products and too many products will be recalled for repair or replacement even though they are not defective. Both scenarios have enormous implications for the quality-conscious manufacturer that gets rated on the number of recalls it performs - not to mention the enormous direct costs. The core issue is visibility into product quality.

ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG

Optimization of Stencil Apertures to Compensate for Scooping During Printing

Technical Library | 2018-03-07 22:41:05.0

This study investigates the scooping effect during solder paste printing as a function of aperture width, aperture length and squeegee pressure. The percent of the theoretical volume deposited depends on the PWB topography. A typical bimodal percent volume distribution is attributed to poor release apertures and large apertures, where scooping takes place, yielding percent volumes 100%. This printing experiment is done with a concomitant validation of the printing process using standard 3D Solder Paste Inspection (SPI) equipment.

Qual-Pro Corporation

An Innovative Reliability Solution to Interconnect of Flexible/Rigid Substrates

Technical Library | 2016-01-12 11:03:35.0

With the pitch size of interconnect getting finer and finer, the bonding strength between flexible and rigid (e.g. PCB, ceramic) substrates becomes a serious issue because it is not strong enough to meet the customer’s requirement. Capillary underfill has been used to enhance the bonding strength between flexible and rigid substrates, but the enhancement is very limited, particularly for high temperature application. The bonding strength of underfilled flexible/rigid interconnect is dramatically decreased after being used at 180◦C, and the interconnects are weakened by the internal stress caused by the expansion of underfill at high temperatures. In order to resolve reliability issues of the interconnect between flexible/rigid substrates, solder joint encapsulant was implemented into the thermal compression bonding process, which was used to manufacture the interconnect between flexible/rigid substrates. Compared to the traditional process, the strength of the interconnect was doubled and the reliability was significantly improved in high temperature application.

YINCAE Advanced Materials, LLC.

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