Industry News: cad conversion (Page 1 of 3)

Introducing Numerical Cloud - Affordable CAM/CAD Conversion Software - Monthly Subscription $75/month

Industry News | 2015-11-10 18:02:56.0

Numerical Cloud is a new offering from Numerical Innovations allowing users the option to get all of their NI products online (on the “Cloud”) for a simple monthly subscription. Sign Up Now:

Numerical Innovations

Got AutoCAD2017? Then you need EasyGerb V7

Industry News | 2016-11-03 18:09:58.0

EasyGerb is an ARX Plug-In, perfect for AutoCAD users looking for the easiest & most powerful way to output gerber files. With the recent release of AutoCAD2017 - Now you can use EasyGerb 7 to convert your AutoCAD files to Gerber =D

Numerical Innovations

Aegis Industrial Software Announces OEM Agreement With Omron Electronics

Industry News | 2001-02-16 16:07:18.0

Aegis Industrial Software announces an OEM agreement with Omron Electronics. Under this agreement, CircuitCAM will be the only CIM product that Omron Electronics will recommend to its customers for CAD, Gerber, and ASCII/Centroid data conversion. Omron will offer CircuitCAM software with its VT-WIN Printed Circuit Board Inspection System to allow total integration into a CIM environment.

Aegis Industrial Software Corporation

CADParts & Consulting, LLC and EdmondMarks Technologies Form Alliance --

Industry News | 2007-11-30 10:12:19.0

Morganville, New Jersey, and Neptune, NJ, November 29, 2007 - CADParts & Consulting LLC, a leader in electronic and product design services and EdmondMarks Technologies, a leading provider of electronic manufacturing services (EMS) have formed a strategic alliance.

CADParts & Consulting, LLC

Datest Unveils Redesigned Web Site to Complement Enhanced Test Service Repertoire

Industry News | 2011-11-10 19:13:59.0

Datest has unveiled a new Web site to explain its technical resources and expanded portfolio of capabilities in a refreshing new visual format.


World-class Dispensing in a Small Footprint

Industry News | 2020-06-11 06:23:00.0

Essemtec announces that its Spider smart-sized high-speed dispenser can be adapted for a wide range of dispensing applications including solder paste and SMT glue, LED encapsulation, silver epoxy, dam and fill, underfill, cavity fill, 3D dispensing via laser height mapping and more.


GiveMePower Extends Lead In Mobile CAD With New PowerCAD� CE Release

Industry News | 2003-01-21 19:09:33.0

PowerCAD CE 5.2 Delivers Unprecedented CAD Functionality For Mobile Design Professionals Using Latest Generation Of Handheld Pocket PC�s, Tablet PC�s and Pocket PC Cell Phones

GiveMePower Corp.

Aegis iLaunch software optimizes Sigma Technologies' NPI process

Industry News | 2012-01-24 20:44:57.0

São Paulo-based Sigma Technologies specializes in advanced technology services for Brazil’s leading OEM and EMS electronics manufacturing companies. Sigma recently purchased iLaunch software from Aegis after identifying that their NPI process would greatly benefit from improved speed, accuracy and control. Their review of offerings from Aegis Software and competing suppliers had indicated that only Aegis could deliver the speed of conversion and control of processes that they sought.

Aegis Industrial Software Corporation

New Appointment Strengthens Cupio Yestech Europe's Support And Development Capability.

Industry News | 2014-02-28 18:54:49.0

Electronics manufacturing has become increasingly challenging as customers want ever more complex boards, densely populated with components delivering more functionality from less space. Cupio Yestech Europe has always recognised this reality, and owes many of their customer relationships to meeting it successfully. They have recently extended their investment in this area by taking on Ben Seviour as a support and bespoke software development specialist.

Cupio Yestech Europe

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