Industry News: cpk mold (Page 1 of 1)

Practical Components Introduces New Kit for Test and Qualification of the Amkor TMV® Component

Industry News | 2011-06-13 18:06:01.0

Practical Components announces that the new Practical Components TMV® (Through Mold Via) 14 mm Board Drop Test Lead-Free Kit is now available. The kit is designed for the 14 mm Amkor TMV® component.

Practical Components, Inc.

Practical Components to Premier New Amkor PoP Stacked Packages at SMTAI 2011

Industry News | 2011-09-28 19:44:39.0

Practical Components will feature its new Amkor PoP stacked packages, including the new TMV PoP, along with its full line of dummy component packages in Booth #604 at the upcoming SMTA International Conference & Exhibition

Practical Components, Inc.

Practical Components' Free Dummy Component Catalog Helps Save Money and Improve Production

Industry News | 2011-07-26 20:55:54.0

Practical Components announces that the illustrated 2011-2012 Dummy Component Catalog is complete, free of charge and now available.

Practical Components, Inc.

Practical Components to Debut New Test Board for 0.33 mm Dummy CVBGA Test Vehicle at the IPC APEX Expo

Industry News | 2012-02-03 13:29:38.0

Practical Components will feature its new Amkor PoP stacked packages, including the new TMV PoP, along with its full line of dummy component packages in Booth #538 at the upcoming IPC APEX Expo.

Practical Components, Inc.


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