Industry News: dek 248 printer manual (Page 1 of 2)

2015 Year End Sale On Electronics Manufacturing Equipment

Industry News | 2015-12-01 10:49:39.0

Baja Bid will be conducting a year-end online auction and assisting several customers in liquidating some of their excess and unused assets. The bidding for this event will open promptly at 8:00am EST on December 7, 2015 and the closing will begin at 11:00am EST on December 9, 2015.

Baja Bid

Matrix Corp Chooses DEK -- Again

Industry News | 2009-11-19 14:44:24.0

Betting on a sure thing, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin-based EMS provider, Matrix Corp, again turned to DEK when its operation was ready to expand. Having partnered with the mass imaging leader in its early years, Matrix’s positive experience with DEK led the high-mix manufacturer to select DEK’s Horizon 02i system and VectorGuard® stencil technology, enabling the company to realize measurable gains in productivity and performance.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK Celebrates its 40th

Industry News | 2008-04-29 22:59:31.0

Celebrating 40 years in business, mass imaging specialist DEK is using this significant milestone to reaffirm its longstanding commitment to providing customers with innovative solutions.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK Solar reveals range of enabling technologies for specialist PV applications

Industry News | 2010-03-15 11:49:19.0

Screen printing leader DEK Solar has revealed a range of technologies designed to provide advanced support for specialist photovoltaic applications. In addition to the dedicated PV1200 and PV3000 solar platforms, DEK’s specialist platforms meet the requirements of diverse PV challenges – from large-scale production to flexible or non-standard substrates.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK’s Paste Roll Height Monitor introduces a new level of process control

Industry News | 2009-09-26 16:32:37.0

DEK has launched its brand new Paste Roll Height Monitor, an easy-to-use productivity tool designed to eliminate defects and improve end-of-line yield. Using lasers to detect the presence of solder paste, the new technology monitors the height of the paste roll to provide operators with a new level of process control.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK Gives APEX Attendees Look at Future-Proofed Technologies

Industry News | 2009-03-17 04:47:26.0

From DEK booth #2412 at this year's APEX event, being held over March 31 � April 2 in Las Vegas, Nevada, visitors will witness the ultimate in product versatility and choice for a truly future-proofed investment and productivity advantage.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

ProtoDesign, Inc. Selects DEK�s Horizon 03i Platform

Industry News | 2008-01-21 15:04:25.0

After thoughtful analysis regarding the screen printing system needed to take ProtoDesign, Inc. to the next level of production, the company has decided to partner with DEK and has selected the leading Horizon 03i platform for its manufacturing requirements.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK launches Stinger; brand new low volume adhesive dispenser

Industry News | 2009-04-27 18:00:47.0

DEK has launched its brand new Stinger* technology, an integrated low volume adhesive dispense module enabling dual function capability from a single screen printing platform. Ideal for customers working with mixed technology boards for example, Stinger is an easy-to-use, flexible system featuring innovative patented technology to eliminate unnecessary stoppages and raise productivity.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK�s ProFlow� DirEKt Imaging technology wins prestigious industry manufacturing award

Industry News | 2006-04-17 18:17:31.0

DEK has won another prestigious industry award for its revolutionary ProFlow� DirEKt Imaging technology. At the Nepcon China 2006 exhibition in Shanghai, China, DEK will receive the award for best entry in the Dispensing Systems/Equipment category at the Electronics Manufacturing Asia Innovation Awards 2006.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK lends its support to Blundell Technology Week & Mini Exhibition 2010

Industry News | 2010-09-13 14:50:29.0

DEK will be the resident screen printing technology expert at the forthcoming Blundell Technology Week & Mini Exhibition 2010. Taking place at Blundell Production Equipment in Coventry from 12th – 14th October, the event will unite leading industry experts, innovative technology demonstrations and informative discussions.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

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