Industry News: high resolution thock film printer (Page 1 of 1)

DEK PV1200 attracts huge interest at Photon Munich

Industry News | 2009-05-01 01:26:30.0

Screen printing specialist DEK attracted an unprecedented amount of interest with its compelling next-generation PV1200 solar metallization line at the recent Photon exhibition in Munich.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)

DEK Reveals Remarkable New Metallization System and Uses Real Silicon Cells

Industry News | 2008-09-30 23:36:57.0

Mass imaging specialist DEK chose this year's EU PVSEC show in Valencia to reveal its new PV1200 Metallization line to the European market. It is the first time that DEK has directly promoted its innovative new solution in this region since launching the product line in March.

ASM Assembly Systems (DEK)


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