Industry News: i/o (Page 1 of 41)

Heller Industries Announces Joint Development Agreement with IBM for Fluxless Mass Reflow Soldering Process for High Volume Manufacturing

Industry News | 2013-08-15 20:58:22.0

Heller Industries announced today that they have entered into a joint development agreement with International Business Machines Corporation (NYSE: IBM), to collaborate on the development of fluxless mass reflow furnace equipment and process for high volume manufacturing. The fluxless process utilizes gas phase formic acid to replace standard fluxing agents, and eliminates the need for pre-reflow fluxing and post-reflow flux cleanup steps.

Heller Industries Inc.

NEW Benchtop Dispensing Robot!

Industry News | 2018-02-12 12:28:00.0

GPD Global introduces its NEW full-featured benchtop dispensing robot system: Catalina. A benchtop system does not mean "no features". This compact and efficient semi-auto dispense robot provides you with numerous standard features: automatic vision, laser surface sensing, and automatic nozzle alignment and calibration.

GPD Global

Tabletop Robot for Precision Dispensing

Industry News | 2018-09-06 12:12:07.0

GPD Global offers the ideal tabletop robots (Catalina Series) for precision dispensing.

GPD Global

Ease of Application for Infiniband I/O Connectors

Industry News | 2003-04-22 09:33:13.0

Honda Connectors has released its first Infiniband I/O connectors, designed for easy assembly in high-speed differential signal applications.


Virtex-II FPGA Prototyping Boards Enable Complex FPGA Design Evaluation & Testing

Industry News | 2003-06-16 09:12:35.0

Boards tout up to 8MGates devices, on-board RAM, banks of I/O, many programmable user interfaces


California Micro Devices Announces Enhanced EMI Filtering with ESD Protection for GSM Handsets

Industry News | 2003-02-25 09:10:01.0

The CSPEMI400 complements California Micro Devices' broad portfolio of CSP (chip scale package) devices for stand-alone ESD protection and EMI filter arrays with ESD protection, making it the most extensive in the industry.


Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. Offers Rambus Yellowstone Memory Interface Clock Generators

Industry News | 2003-06-20 08:31:58.0

Leading chip timing solutions provider manufactures fast memory interface clock generators for high-bandwidth applications


International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference (IWLPC) Keynote Presenters Announced

Industry News | 2016-06-19 19:44:55.0

The SMTA and Chip Scale Review magazine are pleased to announce the Keynote Presenters for the 13th Annual International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference. The IWLPC will be held October 18-20, 2016 at the DoubleTree Airport Hotel in San Jose, California.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA Recognizes Two Speakers

Industry News | 2002-03-27 09:42:31.0

Glenn Woodhouse and Janet Semmens were named winners of the Best of Conference Awards

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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