Industry News: momentum (Page 1 of 14)

Electronics Workbench Taps Industry Talent as New Vice President of Sales and Marketing

Industry News | 2003-03-04 08:31:59.0

Ian Suttie To Drive Company's Expansion in Professional Printed Circuit Board Design Market


Integrated Circuit Systems, Inc. Offers Rambus Yellowstone Memory Interface Clock Generators

Industry News | 2003-06-20 08:31:58.0

Leading chip timing solutions provider manufactures fast memory interface clock generators for high-bandwidth applications


2002 NEMI Roadmap Points to Areas of Opportunity for Industry

Industry News | 2003-04-07 10:16:38.0

Portable Products and Optoelectronic Applications Still Hold Promise for Growth


Online SMT Auction March 8th-11th, 2021

Industry News | 2021-02-22 10:48:43.0

Baja Bid will be selling quality pre-owned electronic manufacturing equipment in our upcoming SMT auction. The online bidding period opens on March 8th at 8:00am EST and begins closing on March 11th at 1:00pm EST.

Baja Bid

BajaBid Europe Schedule One of Europe’s Largest Online EMS Equipment Auctions

Industry News | 2016-03-22 17:01:09.0

BajaBid Europe announces that they will be hosting one of Europe’s Largest Online Electronic Manufacturing Equipment Auctions on 29th – 31st March. The Auction has over $1 million of surplus equipment.

Baja Bid

SMTA and MEPTEC Issue Medical Electronics Symposium Call for Presentations

Industry News | 2010-04-30 18:37:58.0

Minneapolis, MN - The SMTA and MEPTEC are pleased to announce the Call for Presentations for the 2010 Medical Electronics Symposium. The two-day technical program titled "Successful Strategies for the Medical Electronics Sector: Steady Growth Keeps the Momentum Moving Forward" will be held September 22-23, 2010 at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. ASU's School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering will co-sponsor this event.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Medical Electronics Symposium Keynote Speakers Announced

Industry News | 2010-07-16 14:24:46.0

The SMTA and MEPTEC are proud to announce the keynote speakers for their co-organized 2010 Medical Electronics Symposium, Successful Strategies for the Medical Electronics Sector: Steady Growth Keeps the Momentum Moving Forward.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Medical Electronics Symposium Registration Open

Industry News | 2010-07-29 15:48:21.0

SMTA and MEPTEC announce registration for the two-day symposium titled "Successful Strategies for the Medical Electronics Sector: Steady Growth Keeps the Momentum Moving Forward" is now open. The event will be held September 22-23, 2010 at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ. ASU's School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering is co-sponsoring the event.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Electronics Manufacturing Poised for Jobs to Rise Over Pre-Pandemic Levels; Industry Backs Short-Term Stimulus and Long-Term Investment

Industry News | 2021-02-08 14:58:47.0

The following is a statement by John Mitchell, IPC President and CEO, on this week's U.S. employment numbers and the Biden Administration's American Rescue Plan.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Revised Forecast Reflects Stalled Growth

Industry News | 2013-10-22 14:11:19.0

IPC announced the August findings from its monthly North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program, which included a revised 2013 forecast of nearly flat sales growth for 2013. Sales and order growth both stalled in August after signs of upward momentum in recent months.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

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momentum searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Voidless Reflow Soldering

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
SMT feeders

Smt Feeder repair service centers in Europe, North, South America
2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Handling Machine with CE

High Precision Fluid Dispensers