Industry News: no-clean or water soluble (Page 1 of 19)

Water-Based Flux Line Covers Full Range of Applications

Industry News | 2003-02-17 08:40:25.0

To Meet Government Environmental Standards and Individual Company Policies, While Satisfying Production Requirements


SMTA Capital Chapter’s Expo and Tech Forum to be Held on September 1st

Industry News | 2015-07-27 20:29:13.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to invite you to its upcoming Capital Expo and Tech Form at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Kossiakoff Center, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, on September 1st. Exhibitors can save $100 by taking advantage of the early registration promotion available through July 31st. Contact Kaitlyn Gherity, SMTA Expo Manager, at 952-920-7682 or to exhibit.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)


Industry News | 2010-09-02 16:09:40.0

Each step in the electronics assembly process will be on display and fully functioning on the show floor at Electronics Midwest, produced by IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® and Canon Communications.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Industry News | 2018-12-08 03:29:29.0

SMT Dictionary – Surface Mount Technology Acronym and Abbreviation

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

A Look to the Future in the Electronics Industry at IPC APEX EXPO® 2013

Industry News | 2013-01-19 07:46:16.0

Information that inspires innovation is center-stage for design, printed boards, electronics assembly, test and printed electronics

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

FCT Assembly to Emphasize Root Cause Analysis Capabilities at 16th Annual SMTA Atlanta Expo & Tech Forum

Industry News | 2012-04-16 13:15:56.0

FCT Assembly will exhibit at the upcoming SMTA 16th Annual Atlanta Expo & Tech Forum. FCT Assembly manufactures several core products including leaded and lead-free solder paste, wire solder, bar solder, flux and laser cut SMT Stencils. The company also offers high precision custom laser cutting services.


Aqueous Technologies Introduces Contract Cleaning and Cleanliness Testing

Industry News | 2009-11-01 00:33:04.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — October 2009 — Aqueous Technologies Corp. announces the introduction of a full-service contract defluxing and cleanliness testing service in its Southern California facility. Aqueous Technologies’ fleet of award-winning Trident automatic defluxing equipment and Zero-Ion Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) testers are available for use on any assemblies.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

KYZEN to Debut New pH Neutral Electronic Assembly Cleaning Chemistry at NEPCON China

Industry News | 2015-03-26 12:12:26.0

KYZEN’s will introduce its new AQUANOX® A4708 pH Neutral Electronic Assembly Cleaning Chemistry in Booth B-1D10 at NEPCON China 2015, scheduled to take place April 21-23, 2015 at the Shanghai World EXPO Exhibition & Convention Center. KYZEN’s team also will highlight its ultra-low VOC AQUANOX® A8830/31 stencil cleaners.

KYZEN Corporation

AIM Solder products now available through online leader Stanley Supply & Services

Industry News | 2012-11-12 00:30:12.0

AIM Solder has teamed up with the electronic manufacture supply leader, Stanley Supply and Services, to offer AIM's advanced solder products such as lead-free bar solder, wire solder, solder epoxy, and solder paste through Stanley Supply & Services e-commerce site.

AIM Solder

Aqueous Technologies Premiers New Automatic Defluxing and Cleanliness Testing System

Industry News | 2010-06-21 14:24:32.0

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA — Aqueous Technologies Corp., North America’s largest provider of batch defluxing systems, introduces the Trident OneShot automatic defluxing and cleanliness testing system. Trident OneShot is designed to provide automatic cleaning (de-fluxing), cleanliness testing, and drying of post-reflow circuit assemblies. The system provides the same cleaning, cleanliness testing, and drying performance of the multi-award winning Trident III Series at almost half of the cost.

Aqueous Technologies Corporation

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