Career Center - Resumes: aoi pdt problem (Page 1 of 4)

Global Product Specialist

Career Center | Singapore, Singapore | Engineering,Production

I am a result/goal-oriented engineer with 20 years of experience in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) environment, of which 7 years were heavily involved in field service and field application for Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) machines. I partici

SMT Production Engineer

Career Center | 10th of ramadan, Egypt | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Production

• Excellent Analytical, inter-personal and communication skills                 • Ability to work effectively in teamwork • Ability to set and achieve goals and work under pressure • Learn quickly, hard worker • Capable of study and research acti

mehrdad resume

Career Center | la jolla, California USA | Engineering

More than 18 years experience in AOI. Refer to my resume for more details.

Manufacturing Engineer /Smt programmer

Career Center | Sullivan, Ohio USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

·   Develop or upgrade preventative maintenance procedures for components, equipment, parts, or systems. ·   Quoting of jobs to be competitive with other companies. ·   Problem solving and communication with operators for quality assurance. Pro

SMT Process Engineer

Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Engineering,Production

4 years of PCB assembly process.

SMT Manufacturing Engineer

Career Center | Sullivan, Ohio USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Manufacturing Engineer August 1991 - January 2014 * Read blueprints, wiring diagrams, schematic drawings, or engineering instructions for assembling electronics units, applying knowledge of electronic theory and component

Process Engineering/Maintenance Technician

Career Center | Fredericksburg, Virginia USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Production,Quality Control

• Certified CP643 Loader Calibration – FUJI American Chicago, IL 2001. • Certified - Cookson Performance Solutions BTU - PARAGON - P150 Oven – Maintenance & Electrical Troubleshooting Charlotte, NC 2001. • Certified UNIVERSAL (GSM) Platform: Operat

SMT Process Technician

Career Center | cabuyao, Philippines | Engineering

I had 9 years working as a technician starting in Smart electronic)as Mainline Technician. SGIC(Sanritsu Great International Corporation) as SMT mainline Techinician and IMI (Integrated Micro-Electronics INC,)as SMT Process Technician.

Pedro Gomes

Career Center | , Portugal | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Technical Support

SMT Process engineer Quality Efficiency Continuous improvement 11 years of experience in high volume production in a Japanese corporation Expertise in: Solder paste printing (DEK, Panasonic) Adhesive dispensing (FUJI, Panasonic) Components Pick and p

SMT Section Head

Career Center | Obour, Egypt | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

                         Ten years of experience in electronics assembly  work for Toshiba Egypt and Iskraemeco Egypt • Researched, analyzed and selected production equipment. • Work within team to startup Iskraemeco’s new factory in Egypt. • L

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