Career Center - Resumes: esd pcb conveyor belt (Page 1 of 1)

An outstanding professional

Career Center | Fort Mill, South Carolina USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Research and Development

Have serviced AMF pinspotters both mechanical and electrical sides; included repair of chassis pc boards to component level. 20 years in this field. Have worked in PCB manufacture  with old style board populators and Panasert robots Worked in H

Electronics Manufacturing /SMT/Quality/ISO/6 sigma

Career Center | , | 2013-03-07 05:50:27.0

Looking for Leader ship Opprtunity in Electronics Manufacturing Plant in India

New Product Introduction(NPI) Engineer

Career Center | Bangalore-560026, Karnataka India | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

New Product Introduction & Product dovelopment

NPI Engineer

Career Center | Theni, Tamilnadu India | Engineering

NPI Engineer: • Playing a role as NPI leader of the Telecom, Aerospace & Server Products to introduce and run to qualify the engineering build from customer. • Conducting Weekly NPI meeting with the CFT team to review the progress of the NPI schedu

SMT Production and Process engineer

Career Center | Hyderabad, Telangana India | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

 Experience in handling Process related issues throughout the Product Manufacturability.  Programming and maintenance of SMT Pick and Place Machines of Mirae, Panasonic, NXT and MyData  Programming and maintenance of Solder Paste Printer of DEK


Career Center | , | Engineering,Production,Quality Control



esd pcb conveyor belt searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Precision PCB Services, Inc
Precision PCB Services, Inc

Products, services, training & consulting for the assembly, rework & repair of electronic assemblies. BGA process experts. Manufacturers Rep, Distributor & Service Provider for Seamark/Zhuomao and Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations.

Training Provider / Manufacturer's Representative / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

1750 Mitchell Ave.
Oroville, CA USA

Phone: (888) 406-2830

2024 Eptac IPC Certification Training Schedule

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
High Throughput Reflow Oven

We offer SMT Nozzles, feeders and spare parts globally. Find out more
Formic Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB separator

Thermal Transfer Materials.