Videos: first pass yield calclation (Page 1 of 1)

Job Tracking MES software-Low cost Product and Job Tracking Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

Job Tracking MES software-Low cost Product and Job Tracking Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

Videos - CELLS WORKFLOW is affordable, simple to setup & use yet powerful product & job tracking software for fast New Product Introduction (NPI). The CELLS WORKFLOW software provides total traceability in manufacturing floor

UNISOFT Corporation

Vitronics Soltec ZEVAm Selective Soldering System

Vitronics Soltec ZEVAm Selective Soldering System


ZEVAv selective soldering machine delivers the best value in the high-speed selective soldering market. The ZEVAv platform leverages proven, market-leading fluxing, preheating and soldering technology to meet the growing challenges of high yields, co


QFN Rework Stencil

QFN Rework Stencil


QFN stenicl bumping process demonstrated using a polyimide stencil. This process is one in which a stencil is used to the bump the bottom terminations of a leadless device making it simple to place without voiding of the the thermal pac or shorting o

2900L Manual Programmer

2900L Manual Programmer


Universal Chip Programming with Precision Socket Actuator Lever. Precision High Volume Production Manual Programmer– the 2900L is a multisite manual production programmer ideal for volumes from 1K to 500K+ per year. BPM’s 2900L is excellent for small

BPM Microsystems, Inc.

PCB Rework Stencil

PCB Rework Stencil


Demonstration of BGA rework via stencil printing. BEST's StikNPeel stencil is an adhesive backed stencil which allows users to stick the stencil in to place and simply peel it off the PCB with a temporary adhesive system. This leaves consistent print

Build Better with Fuzion Surface Mount Platform

Build Better with Fuzion Surface Mount Platform


Fuzion® is Universal’s flagship platform, leveraging the latest generation of head and feeder technologies, and software tools for maximum performance. Fuzion solutions maximize utilization, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), and productivity whi

Universal Instruments Corporation

ORPRO Vision AOI Inspection Overview

ORPRO Vision AOI Inspection Overview


This video presents a general overview of ORPRO Vision's AOI during test. Video captured at Tremol SMD in Bulgaria. For additional information, please contact ORPRO Vision at Visit our website: www

Orpro Vision GmbH

Selective Soldering Machine SMARTFLOW 2020. The new one from Ersa: compact without compromises, extremely smart!

Selective Soldering Machine SMARTFLOW 2020. The new one from Ersa: compact without compromises, extremely smart!


The little big one from Ersa in selective soldering - SMARTFLOW 2020: compact without compromises, extremely smart! Winner of the GTI Award 2015. Find our products ?

kurtz ersa Corporation

Mentor Graphics PCB Expedition Enterprise Software.

Mentor Graphics PCB Expedition Enterprise Software.


Designing a product requires more than just a great PCB layout tool -- you need a tightly integrated PCB design system. Expedition Enterprise provides this high level of integration, enabling all team members to work collaboratively and more efficien

Mentor Graphics

ORPRO Vision AOI Presentation

ORPRO Vision AOI Presentation


ORPRO Vision AOI Presentation. This presentation introduces the methods and technology used by ORPRO Vision in the Symbion S36 Plus and Vantage S22 Plus AOI systems. For additional information, please contact ORPRO Vision at

Orpro Vision GmbH


first pass yield calclation searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

See Your 2024 IPC Certification Training Schedule for Eptac

Smt Feeder repair service centers in Europe, North, South America
SMT feeders

Stencil Printing 101 Training Course
PCB Handling Machine with CE

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Handling with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
PCB Depanelizers
