Videos: heel fillet inspection (Page 1 of 1)

Introducing the next generation RV-2 3D PWB visual Inspection machine (AOI).

Introducing the next generation RV-2 3D PWB visual Inspection machine (AOI).


Inline type high-speed and high-precision board inspection machine that can be used in a wide variety of inspection processes. Space saving and compact single-lane inspection machine. High Accuracy High Speed RV-2 3D AOI High Speed Image Proces

Southwest Systems Technology

Saki introduces its new 3Di Automated Optical Inspection System

Saki introduces its new 3Di Automated Optical Inspection System


The new system delivers high-speed (5,700mm2/sec), high-accuracy (XY positioning of 3µm at 3?), height repeatability (below 2µm at 3?), and scalable resolutions of 7, 12 and 18µm for boards weighing 12kg.

SAKI America

TR7500QE - 3D Automated Optical Inspection System


The TR7500QE AOI offers high performance 3D solder and assembly inspection by combining the next generation multi-angle 2D and 3D technologies based on 4-way adaptive digital fringe pattern projection and 4 side view cameras. Latest inspection softwa

TRI - Test Research, Inc. USA

TR7700QE 3D Automated Optical Inspection Solution


The TR7700QE AOI offers high performance 3D solder and assembly inspection by combining the next generation 2D and 3D technologies based on 4-way adaptive digital fringe pattern projection. Latest inspection software ensures quick CAD-based programmi

TRI - Test Research, Inc. USA


heel fillet inspection searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information


Our Company handle AOI (Auto Optical Inspection) and SPI (Solder Paste Inspection) Machines.

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Hwaseong-si, South Korea

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