Videos: philips 0402 0201 8mm 12mm 16mm 24mm (Page 1 of 1)

I-Pulse F1-16mm FEEDER LG4-M5A00-080


We also can supply you other kinds of I-PULSE Feeders, Such as: F2-82-0603: Tape Feeder LG4-M2A00-02 8mm x 2mm pitch for 0201 (7" Reel) F1-82-1005: Tape Feeder LG4-M2A00-03 8mm x 2mm pitch for 0402 (7" Reel) F1-84 series: Tape Feeder LG4-M3A00-01

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Building a SMT PCB with Philips Topaz and Emerald machines.

Building a SMT PCB with Philips Topaz and Emerald machines.


Basically the machines I program and maintain at work. Pretty cool stuff! Our Philips Topaz and Emerald Machine building an SMT PCB. The Philips Topaz has 8 heads with vacuum that pick up components and place them on a bare PCB. The Philips Emerald

Amper Programas

Leadsmt Online automatic smd line ,smd pick and place machine

Leadsmt Online automatic smd line ,smd pick and place machine


Please check the video of Leadsmt complete online smd line , Lead-2206 online general pick and place machine with vision check system apply to all kinds of electronics with feeders only max 14 pcs . so any smt/smd pcb less than 14 pcs of components ,

ShenZhen Leadsmt Technology Co.,Ltd

Semi Automatic Pick and Place Machine - ATCO model CAT90-SA

Semi Automatic Pick and Place Machine - ATCO model CAT90-SA


SMT pick and place machine for prototype to low volume PCB assembly. Features software guidance, programming via CAD data transfer, loose parts handling, and camera vision.

Advanced Techniques US Inc. (ATCO)


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