Videos: shorted bga (Page 1 of 32)

Chip Off 620 BGA Rework Station

Chip Off 620 BGA Rework Station


One unit currently in stock for immediate shipment. Ships from California. The Chip Off Model 620 SMD Rework System features touch screen operation and programming, upper and lower spot hot air heaters, ceramic coated area heaters, HD Split-Vision

Precision PCB Services, Inc

WDS-620 BGA Rework Station Demo

WDS-620 BGA Rework Station Demo


One unit currently in stock for immediate shipment. Ships from California. The Chip Off Model 620 SMD Rework System features touch screen operation and programming, upper and lower spot hot air heaters, ceramic coated area heaters, HD Split-Vision

Precision PCB Services, Inc

ACI Technologies Inc. - Commercial Services - Engineering, Manufacturing, Analytical and Electronics Manufacturing Training (IPC Certification Training and Custom Electronics Manufacturing Courses)

ACI Technologies Inc. - Commercial Services - Engineering, Manufacturing, Analytical and Electronics Manufacturing Training (IPC Certification Training and Custom Electronics Manufacturing Courses)


ACI Technologies Inc. (ACI) is a scientific research corporation dedicated to the advancement of electronics manufacturing processes and materials for The Department of Defense and industry. This video provides an overview of our commercial service

ACI Technologies, Inc.

SMT conveyor,PCB linking conveyor,PCB conveyor

SMT conveyor,PCB linking conveyor,PCB conveyor

Videos PCB linking conveyor and PCB belt conveyor mainly used to connect different type PCB board handing equipment effectively for the SMT production line. ASCEN technology is ava

ASCEN Technology

printed circuit board conveyor,PCB conveyor,1000mm PCB conveyor

printed circuit board conveyor,PCB conveyor,1000mm PCB conveyor

Videos PCB linking conveyor and PCB belt conveyor mainly used to connect different type PCB board handing equipment effectively for the SMT production line. ASCEN technology is ava

ASCEN Technology

printed circuit board conveyor,PCB conveyor,1000mm PCB conveyor

printed circuit board conveyor,PCB conveyor,1000mm PCB conveyor

Videos PCB linking conveyor and PCB belt conveyor mainly used to connect different type PCB board handing equipment effectively for the SMT production line. ASCEN technology is ava

ASCEN Technology

BGA X-Ray Inspection

BGA X-Ray Inspection


BEST's BGA x-ray inspection capabilities are shown as one of the x-ray techs "drives around" the BGA after BGA rework. During BGA x-ray inspection the first view is a macro one followed by zooming in and examing each area closely. Look at our BGA X-


X-ray inspection for PCB and BGA

X-ray inspection for PCB and BGA


BGA integrated circuits and chip scale packages, CSPs where the solder connections are not visible. This has arisen as a result of the need for greater numbers of interconnections to integrated circuit packages and as a general result of increasing c


PCB Rework & Repair Services - BEST, INC.

PCB Rework & Repair Services - BEST, INC.


This video presents the capabilities of BEST Inc in terms of its ability to perform high end PCB rework and repair services. BEST Inc., located in Rolling Meadows IL is a company of soldering "geeks". We rework/repair PCBs, train and certify solderin


In Line 3D X-Ray

In Line 3D X-Ray


Automated 2D & 3D inspection Unsurpassed image quality High defect detection Low false calls Fast throughput Quick set-up Nordson YESTECH's versatile X3 Automated X-Ray Inspection Systems (AXI) offers complete inspection of sol


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