Videos: true height measurement in solder paste inspection (Page 1 of 1)

ASC International VisionPro AP500 Video

ASC International VisionPro AP500 Video


3D Solder Paste Inspection

ASC International

ORPRO Vision SPI Presentation

ORPRO Vision SPI Presentation


ORPRO Vision SPI Presentation. This presentation introduces the methods and technology used by ORPRO Vision in the Symbion P36 Plus SPI system. For additional information, please contact ORPRO Vision at

Orpro Vision GmbH

TR7007QI - 3D Solder Paste Inspection System


Built upon latest 3D projection technology, the TR7007QI SPI offers industry leading inspection accuracy for the most demanding applications. The inline inspection system automatically optimizes the inspection route for best performance, and TRI’s in

TRI - Test Research, Inc. USA


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