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batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 09:58:34 EDT 2007 | ccross

I am looking for a batch aqueous cleaning system and am looking for equipment recommendations. Thanks

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 17:41:33 EDT 2007 | JD

We've had our Aqueous Technologies 600-LD for four years or so now with just about zero problems... good luck in your selection

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 18:41:31 EDT 2007 | grayman

if you are looking for cost effective machine try a chinese made machine with many years of experience. We believed that it is much better than other brand. Please visit this site. http://www.kanpacific.com if you need more info. please contact me.

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 07:33:46 EDT 2007 | ccross

Thanks for the help. In looking at these now I have questions on the recommended impact pressures. Is there a certain pressure recommended for certain types of devices? Does IPC or anyone call out recommended pressures for circuit boards?

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 09:37:06 EDT 2007 | jdumont

I am pretty sure all mfg offer upgrades to the pumps inside these units. We upgraded ours to the 5hp pump and are very happy with it. A lot will depend on spray nozzle location and technology from Mfg to Mfg...

Re: Fluxes and Fluxers - the info is in the library

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 17:01:35 EDT 1999 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet

Chrys, First, thank you for contributing to the newly automated SMT Library. Second, no registration is needed in order to access library information including your newly posted papers. Therefore they can simply download your papers from this si

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 20:49:19 EDT 2007 | davef

Batch cleaner * Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com * Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com * EMC Glob

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 22:41:29 EDT 2007 | davef

Cross: IPC nor anyone else calls out recommended pressures for washers used to clean circuit boards. IPC and the other standards setting folk are in the business of defining the expected results or outputs of processes or acceptance criterion. They

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 27 13:35:46 EDT 2007 | sjpence

I do not know of any standard recommended values for impact pressure in cleaning equipment. They act more as a guide when examining the various choices manufacturers have made for the spray flow, nozzle pressure, nozzle spray angle and other factors.

batch aqueous cleaning equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 00:49:07 EDT 2007 | Ron Rumrill

Let me chime-in regarding impact pressure. By definition, impact pressure is determined by several factors: 1. The weight of the water (a constant) 2. Its velocity (determined by the GPM and nozzle�s orifice size) 3. The area impinged (determined


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