Electronics Forum | Wed May 28 16:09:30 EDT 2014 | emeto
Hello all, I used DEK Nano-Protek and lately I hear about Aculon Nanoclear to be doing exactly the same thing(but with better yields). Did anybody used them both? Can you share your impressions. Anything about Aculon Nanoclear at all?
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 09:34:37 EST 2013 | davef
Oded: The coatings that I mention serve different purposes. * Antiadhesions seem to be designed to improve paste release from the stencil * Flux repellents seem to be aimed at reducing the under wipe frequency of stencils. At IPC APEX 2013, DEK and
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 15:56:34 EST 2013 | davef
I don't know, what you have, but I just got back from the IPC APEX show and I'll make several points: * One take away about 'nano ...' is that it means different things to different people. For instance, in stencil printing: ** DEK uses Aculon and it
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