Electronics Forum: disadvantages of no clean (Page 1 of 3)

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 07:55:21 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi

we are using heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste. specially in qfp for high frequency board we observe that cleaing / removing of ' no clean flux 'is require. if we do not clean same most of time after all test & envioumental test it shows pin

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:10:39 EDT 2005 | davef

Comments are: * Sounds like it's necessary to clean "heareous F381, F352 no clean solder paste" in your application. Consider a paste that may be better suited to your application. * If you're cleaning "low residue flux", consider using an organic ac

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 08:53:45 EDT 2005 | jh0n!

Wasn't aware of that. We're using a no-clean with RF pcbs, and that's something to bear in mind for the future - thanks.

cleaning of no clean flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 17:19:24 EDT 2005 | Steve Stach

The propensity for flux residues to cause shorts can be increased in humid environments where water molecules hydrate the surfaces. At high frequencies, electrons travel on the surface of conductors/insulators, increasing the likelihood of shorts in

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 07:37:48 EST 2018 | stephendo

Michael What you say is not a reason for washing. It is a reason to not use Can't Clean solder paste. Although I guess if they use the real name they wouldn't sell as much as they do by calling it No Clean.

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 29 15:08:27 EST 2018 | emeto

I still find it weird when people clean "NO clean" - it defeats the purpose.

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 17:34:45 EST 2018 | Mike Konrad

Thanks for the kind words Dave. At no point in my reply was I trying to sell anything. I apologize to anyone who believes otherwise. I agree with the poster, if assemblies are going to be cleaned, consider a flux designed to be cleaned. While this is

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 26 12:57:34 EST 2018 | aqueous

Sorry to disappoint. No-Clean fluxes are resin-based. They are not soluble in water. Water soluble fluxes are by nature Organic Acid and are soluble in water AND must be cleaned within a short period after reflow as they remain conductive and corrosi

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 26 12:19:24 EST 2018 | clockwatcher

I'm looking for a No Clean SAC 305 Solder Paste that can be run through our inline wash. No chemicals just DI water.

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 01 08:46:54 EST 2018 | charliedci

Your right, he is "selling it". Or I should say he is not selling no-clean solder paste.

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