Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 08:05:50 EST 2006 | davef
There is no standard for a strain gage measurement of allowable deflection of a board or a fixture. It's possible that your fixture is causing the BGA cracking that you see. What protion of the BGA is cracking? If it is the solder connection, sear
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 13:25:24 EST 2006 | patrickbruneel
See Samir that's what happens if you go too lead-free seminars, they feed you crap. If they served you lunch with bismuth chips its time you see a doctor or you end up like WML. By the way any takers?? Who in this forum volunteers to be the first to
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 11:13:32 EDT 2003 | marmotzj
Dear All, I'm encountering a problem on mounting Intel E7501 and P64H2 FC-BGA chips. After the SMT process, these two BGAs were defected. Both had power-to-ground short circuits on the die package itself, and also the die resin had cracking tracks
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 11:12:06 EST 2006 | patrickbruneel
You�re a good man Rob and a good patriot, you defend your governments decisions even if they're wrong. Isn't the WEEE directive aimed at preventing electronics ending up in a landfill? This immediately takes away the leaching arguments and is a great
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:52:16 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan
| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 11:26:23 EST 2005 | CW
How large of chip capacitor can we use reliably? I��ve heard they tend to crack. I��ve also heard if you pre heat the larger chip caps (1812 and above) before vapor phase reflow, they won��t crack. If I use 2 mil copper for a power supply board, a
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 16:34:55 EST 2005 | CW
If I am putting chip capacitors on a .063 FR4 board, what size package should we stay away from to avoid cracking? If I use 2 mil copper on the outside layers of a PCB, am I limited to what pitch of parts I can use? Specifically, will using 0603
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 12:25:32 EST 2005 | Rob
Hi CW, Larger chip caps can be susceptable to cracking, but mainly this is due to handling - flexing of boards is the main culprit (the part being mechanically joined at both ends to the board). PCB's usually flex easiest along one axis, and larger
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 16:31:47 EST 2005 | CW
hi Bob, Thanks for the info. I understand your comments, but I am looking for specific guidance, If I am putting chip capacitors on a .063 FR4 board, what size package should we stay away from to avoid cracking? (I realize this is dependent on h
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 05:00:23 EST 2005 | rlackey
Hi CW, Regarding orientation, yes, your diagram is right - see the following link for confirmation. http://search.murata.co.jp/Ceramy/image/img/A18X/C2EB3C.PDF Regarding information on bending strength you want to talk to your local Murata office