Electronics Forum: j-std-001 (Page 13 of 26)

Re: Climatic Controlled Facilities

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 18:53:27 EDT 1999 | Raeto Zryd

| | I have difficulty to convince my management to air-condition our manufacturing facilities. The room temperature fluxuates from 8 deg.C in the morning to 25 deg. C in the afternoon. The PCB topside temperatures in the reflow oven and wave solderin

Re: Clean raw bds

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 09:37:36 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| Where can I find a spec to put on my fab drawing, to call out the cleanliness of the board, before I recieve it. These boards will require a tight spec after they are assembled, so I want to know that they are clean when I get them. Any suggestions

Standards &/or Specifications for PBGA Assembly/Inspection

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 21 16:00:55 EDT 2001 | davef

In addition to providing guidelines for BGA inspection and repair, IPC-7095 also addresses reliability issues associated with BGA: 7095, �Design and Assembly Process Implementation for BGA's� Your boards should be assembled in conformance with: *

solder splatter inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 29 17:30:07 EST 2001 | davef

You give no clue of what you want to write about. Let's try this: J-STD-001, 8.3.1 Particulate Matter says words to the effect of solder balls / splats shall be neither: * Loose or able to be dislodged during normal service � NOR * Violate minimu

Water Quality Requirements to wash boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 17:29:00 EDT 2002 | dason_c

The industrial standard is follow the R.O.S.E test as a guideline per J-STD-001 and the limit is 10ug/sq. inch. Different tester with different equivalent factor with the ROSE and you can refer back to the manual, the Zero Ion tester with equivalent

Calculating PCB surface area

Electronics Forum | Tue May 14 20:43:55 EDT 2002 | davef

I feel as though I�ve just walked in to a bar, where everyone I was supposed to meet has been drinking for 3 hours. First, the volume of water displacement thing doesn�t make sense, as others have commented. Second, I believe Dave Robbie wants meas

Factory Lighting - specs and measurement ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 11:11:50 EDT 2002 | davef

J-STD-001 guideline of 1000 lm/m^2 [93 fc] seems high, but it is the minimum level of illumination that operators and inspectors should have to perform their tasks. IESNA LPD Architectural Recommendations Type of Facility||General Area percent / fc

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 11:48:39 EDT 2002 | davef

Good points, John. Continuing to track on the voiding issue, why remove voids anyhow? * Voids are primarily process indicators. There is experimental evidence that voids retard crack propagation locally around the void on at least on a temporary bas

Temp/Humidity Recorders Coverage

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 07 18:07:59 EST 2003 | davef

J-STD-001 prescribes acceptable temperature and humidity ranges for electronic assembly, but does not discuss required instrumentation, nor its accuracy nor coverage. We're unaware of another standard that requires such a thing. The standards of to

Flux Designations and Composition

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 14:42:55 EDT 2004 | davef

You're correct, for every dumpster full of paper written about solder, there's a sentance written about fluxes. There's dribs and drabs about fluxes in most of the soldering books [ie, Manko, Klein-Wassink, Judd, Strauss, etc] and most of that is ve

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