Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 08 09:00:36 EST 2006 | russ
I also am using the alpha OM338, great product Russ
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 09 15:31:18 EST 2014 | warwolf
SAC305 (Alpha OM - 338 PT) (88.5%) T3
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 09:28:30 EDT 2006 | cuculi54986@yahoo.com
We evaluated four SAC305 pastes. Of the four, we found Alpha OM-338 to appear to have the least flux residue. We also found it to be the most dull, least shiny, most non-SnPb looking of the four.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 13:04:01 EDT 2006 | russ
Never changed anytihgn when we switched to Immersion silver. Have run approximatelky 10,000 16mil pitch devices to date with immersion Silver PCB, stainless, chempolished 5 mil stencil, and pbfree paste (OM338). Russ
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 26 10:39:35 EDT 2006 | aj
Just to update you on what I have found. I was using Indium leadfree paste and I switched to Alpha OM338 Leadfree Paste. Problem gone...no more MCSB. aj... I have no affiliation with either ofthe above mentioned companies.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 16:26:42 EST 2006 | aj
Hi, I trialled 4 or 5 of the main suppliers including Kester. I went with Alpha OM338 SAC305 - exceeded all expectations and actually performs better than PB Paste in my opinion. aj...
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 02 13:45:06 EDT 2007 | mun4o
Hi, we use om338 from alpha metals in our smt production lines.I wont change this solder paste with kester em 918.Is anybody use this solder paste?what yo think abaout this paste.Is it good?
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 02 16:43:27 EDT 2007 | aj
Hi, I also use OM338 and would be very reluctant to use any other product. I have trialled 3 or 4 other top brands but cant find anything that ticks all the boxes. aj...
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 13 11:13:03 EDT 2008 | mbnetto
Hello... I need to calculate the solder paste quantity that I'll need for a new product and I need the density of the solder paste Cookson OM338PT. Can anybody help me? Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 12:57:49 EDT 2009 | jdumont
We are using Alpha's OM-338-PT with great results. The PT means pin testable which was selected because its residues are a little softer and clean slightly better.