Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 25 11:42:29 EST 2015 | emeto
What software do you use to track your parts? We use Manex - it is not perfect but still gives you the opportunity to track parts/jobs relations. For example I know in each moment one particular part goes to 5 currently open jobs. You should explore
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 09:00:38 EST 2001 | bdoyle
Thanks to the emails and posts I've read I think I've narrowed the problem down. Its a Netscape issue (which is why when people first initially said they were having problems it was working for me.) I'm working to resolve the issue. In the mean ti
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 10:55:49 EDT 1999 | Cunli Jia
Last Thursday I resigned from my position as manager of SMTnet. I want to personally thank all SMTnet viewers, editors, customers, colleagues, and others for your support to me in the creation and expansion of SMTnet over the last four years. I enj
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 01 07:06:28 EDT 2002 | gdstanton
Just exploring options to improve wetting. It turns out our facilities dept is looking at an N2 generator to supply dry boxes. Thought it might be a good idea to assess whether we should expand the project to include reflow.
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 16 14:12:28 EDT 2021 | sarason
Use my program PCBSynergy https://pcbsynergy.com It has VIOS geneartion in it pretty much identical to the files that CAD2CAD generates. sarason
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 19:10:29 EDT 2011 | tluong
I recommendation use CAM cad and BOM explorer are the best...
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 15:33:11 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| Last Thursday I resigned from my position as manager of SMTnet. I want to personally thank all SMTnet viewers, editors, customers, colleagues, and others for your support to me in the creation and expansion of SMTnet over the last four years. I e
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 16:24:33 EDT 1999 | Jason Gregory
| | Last Thursday I resigned from my position as manager of SMTnet. I want to personally thank all SMTnet viewers, editors, customers, colleagues, and others for your support to me in the creation and expansion of SMTnet over the last four years. I
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 02:24:32 EDT 1999 | P.L. Sorenson - Technical Consultant
| Last Thursday I resigned from my position as manager of SMTnet. I want to personally thank all SMTnet viewers, editors, customers, colleagues, and others for your support to me in the creation and expansion of SMTnet over the last four years. I e
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 08 06:43:03 EDT 1999 | Wayne Bracy
| Last Thursday I resigned from my position as manager of SMTnet. I want to personally thank all SMTnet viewers, editors, customers, colleagues, and others for your support to me in the creation and expansion of SMTnet over the last four years. I e