Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 19:44:49 EDT 2007 | marcelll
Just bought a used VIP 98 and I have an alarm. Computer don't communicate with the embedded controler of the oven. I've check the cabling, OK, and there's power on the controler. The PC is booting normally. The controler is plug in the serial port 2
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 07:48:16 EDT 2007 | brendansales
Hi there, Does your computer has a product key (USB) by any chance? there are some units that requires a USB key. alternatively you can check if the controller has been opened before (you can check if the sticker has been torn), or you can try swit
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 12 19:37:52 EST 2007 | marcelll
On a old VIP 98 oven. Since we reload the software, we have a problem with the board tracking system. Board is flagging the entrance pcell, we can see it on the graphic screen, but alarming all the time when at exit end. Alarm is "board droped in ove
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 10:01:15 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin
I once had a similar problem on a VIP98. The problem was with the FCU (furnace control unit). There was a burned IC on the lower left of the card. I don't remember what kind of part it was, only that it was very common and I got a new one from Dig
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 05:15:45 EDT 2005 | blueflag
Help Please could anyone advise when we run shutdown after 45 mins it should shut off . But we are still left with conveyor running also fans . regards Colin
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 22:01:56 EDT 2005 | KEN
run shutdown.rcp after 45 minutes computer will load shutoff.rcp. Is this file not being loaded? If yes, then you have not defined the shutoff event in the scheduler. Poke around in the scheduler. Or check out the software manual. someone probab
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 20:26:18 EDT 2007 | marcelll
Thanks for the help guys. I found that serial port 2 was bad on the computer. Not able to change it to com 1 in the config. Seems to be protected by a factory password. So I had to change the computer and reload the software. It's working now. Thank
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 07:10:38 EST 2007 | realchunks
There may not be an exit cell. Some go by timing. But double check your set-up. Make sure you didn't flag for an exit cell - not sure this is your problem. It also could be your timing. You can simply turn off the the dropped board warning optio
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 13 17:21:04 EST 2007 | marcelll
How can you turn off the alarm ? I checked in the menu but the only topic I've seen is asking for a "factory password" witch I dont have. I have the administrator password.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 17 12:12:18 EST 2007 | Claude_Couture
in very rare occasion I had problems with BTU ovens, I contacted BTU directly and they were always helpful.