Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 14 09:13:05 EST 2007 | lconnor
Hi Marcin, I have run a lead free profile on a VIP98 with Indium 5.1AT paste using the following settings:- 120 150 190 190 210 260 270 75cm/min Hope this helps. Lee.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 07:22:42 EST 2008 | janz
Hello, I am looking for operation& service manual for reflow oven BTU VIP98 with air cooling and nitrogen. Thank you for any help. janz
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 10 05:45:09 EST 2009 | muarty
Anyone, We have a fault on our BTU VIP98 reflow oven. At present NONE of the zones are heating up, even though all the SSR's appear to be working and we have voltage at the elements and the fans are all working. Anyone got any pointers? Thanks in ad
Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 12:38:51 EDT 2006 | geb
7 zones. AIM solder SAC305.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 02 08:22:08 EST 2007 | realchunks
Wow, didn't know I had to be an "expert" to post here.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 04 11:29:27 EST 2007 | fastek
Lars demands proof the battery was at fault and still insists that Chunks is no expert.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 14:46:54 EST 2007 | mpolak
i know but i would like to know roughly what temperatures people using
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 09 03:27:03 EST 2007 | mpolak
can anyone please tell me what setting are they using for they 7 zone ovens? thanks
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 13:05:15 EST 2009 | realchunks
You may be out of phase. Check your 220V or 480V (if in USA).
Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 13:10:28 EDT 2006 | Chunks
VIP 98, I believe that's a 7 zone if I can remember 6 years ago. Try 150, 165, 200, 235, 235 and 235 (top and bottom temps) with a belt speed of 35 inches per minute. This should get you in the ball park depending on the size of your board.