Electronics Manufacturing Training

Technical Articles From AIM Solder

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14 technical articles added by AIM Solder

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AIM is a leading global manufacturer of solder assembly materials for the electronics industry.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada


  • Phone +1-514-494-2000

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(47) news releases

AIM Tech Tip Article: Pretty Slick

Jun 20, 2022 | Timothy O'Ne i l l

We've been doing a lot of print testing in our lab. In our first set of published results, "The Impact of Reduced Solder Alloy Powder Size on Solder Paste Print Performance1" from IPC/APEX 2016, we revealed a hierarchy of input variables to maximize solder paste transfer efficiency and minimize variation. In that study, we used a fully-optioned stencil as part of the equipment set. In order to tease out the data we were looking for, we could not lose critical information to the noise of stencil-induced variations....

Assessing the Effectiveness of I/O Stencil Aperture Modifications on BTC Void Reduction

Sep 26, 2018 | Carlos Tafoya, Gustavo Ramirez, Timothy O’Neill

Bottom terminated components, or BTCs, have been rapidly incorporated into PCB designs because of their low cost, small footprint and overall reliability. The combination of leadless terminations with underside ground/thermal pads have presented a multitude of challenges to PCB assemblers, including tilting, poor solder fillet formation, difficult inspection and – most notably – center pad voiding. Voids in large SMT solder joints can be difficult to predict and control due to the variety of input variables that can influence their formation. Solder paste chemistries, PCB final finishes, and reflow profiles and atmospheres have all been scrutinized, and their effects well documented. Additionally, many of the published center pad voiding studies have focused on optimizing center pad footprint and stencil aperture designs. This study focuses on I/O pad stencil modifications rather than center pad modifications. It shows a no-cost, easily implemented I/O design guideline that can be deployed to consistently and repeatedly reduce void formation on BTC-style packages....

A Study to Determine the Impact of Solder Powder Mesh Size and Stencil Technology Advancement on Deposition Volume when Printing Solder Paste

Apr 13, 2017 | Karl Seelig, Tim O'Neill

The drive to reduced size and increased functionality is a constant in the world of electronic devices. In order to achieve these goals, the industry has responded with ever-smaller devices and the equipment capable of handling these devices. The evolution of BGA packages and leadless devices is pushing existing technologies to the limit of current assembly techniques and materials.

As smaller components make their way into the mainstream PCB assembly market, PCB assemblers are reaching the limits of Type 3 solder paste, which is currently in use by most manufacturers.

The goal of this study is to determine the impact on solder volume deposition between Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5 SAC305 alloy powder in combination with stainless steel laser cut, electroformed and the emerging laser cut nano-coated stencils. Leadless QFN and μBGA components will be the focus of the test utilizing optimized aperture designs....

Sample Preparation For Mitigating Tin Whiskers In Alternative Lead-Free Alloys

Feb 18, 2016 | Mehran Maalekian, Karl Seelig, Timothy O'Neill

As lead-free alloys shift into high reliability electronics, the issue of tin whisker growth remains a primary concern among those in the industry. Current research shows that there is no perfect alloy for all cases of electronic usage. Industry leaders and researchers continue to study and search for a lead free alloy that is able to withstand harsh environments while maintaining high reliability....

Conformal Coating over No Clean Flux Residues

Mar 04, 2015 | K.Seelig, T.O'Neill

As the proliferation of modern day electronics continues to drive miniaturization and functionality, electronic designers/assemblers face the issue of environmental exposure and uncommon applications never previously contemplated. This reality, coupled with the goal of reducing the environmental and health implications of the production and disposal of these devices, has forced manufacturers to reconsider the materials used in production. Furthermore, the need to increase package density and reduce costs has led to the rapid deployment of leadless packages such as QFN, POP, LGA, and Micro-BGA. In many cases, the manufacturers of these devices will recommend the use of no clean fluxes due to concerns over the ability to consistently remove flux residues from under and around these devices. These concerns, along with the need to implement a tin whisker mitigation strategy and/or increase environmental tolerance, have led to the conundrum of applying conformal coating over no clean residues....

Lead-Free Soldering Guide

May 12, 2014 | AIM

The issue of lead-free soldering has piqued a great deal of interest in the electronics assembly industry as of late. What was once an issue that seemed too far away to worry about has become a pressing reality. In order to avoid confusion, last minute panic, and a misunderstanding of how the issue of lead-free soldering will affect the industry and individuals users of solders, it is necessary for all suppliers and assemblers to become educated in this matter....

Head-in-Pillow BGA Defects

Nov 05, 2009 | Karl F. Seelig.

Head-in-pillow (HiP), also known as ball-and-socket, is a solder joint defect where the solder paste deposit wets the pad, but does not fully wet the ball. This results in a solder joint with enough of a connection to have electrical integrity, but lacking sufficient mechanical strength. Due to the lack of solder joint strength, these components may fail with very little mechanical or thermal stress. This potentially costly defect is not usually detected in functional testing, and only shows up as a failure in the field after the assembly has been exposed to some physical or thermal stress....

The Call for Halogen-Free Electronic Assemblies

Jun 17, 2009 | Karl Seelig, Michael Burgess.

The increased interest in halogen-free assemblies is a result of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) exerting pressure on electronic equipment manufacturers to eliminate halogens. The NGOs primary focus is on resolving global environmental issues and concerns. As a result of an increase in the enormous "e-waste" dump sites that have begun showing up around the world, NGOs are pushing consumer electronic manufacturers to ban halogen-containing material in order to produce "green" products. Not only are these sites enormous, but the recycling methods are archaic and sometimes even illegal.

This stockpiling and dumping has created growing political and environmental issues. In order to deal with this issue, the question of why halogens are a focal point must be addressed....

Controlling Copper Build Up in Automatic Soldering Equipment Using Lead-Free Solder

Nov 20, 2008 | Karl Seelig, David Suraski.

The Sn/Ag/Cu family of alloys is the leading candidate for a lead-free alternative. The first part of this study was to determine if there is any significant difference between Sn/Ag/Cu alloys when used in automatic soldering equipment in terms of copper build-up in the system. The study compared two Sn/Ag/Cu alloys to determine if at processing temperatures one alloy would absorb less copper than the other alloy....

Reflow Profiling: Time Above Liquidus

Dec 20, 2007 | David Suraski

Despite much research and discussion on the subject of reflow profiling, many questions and a good deal of confusion still exist. What is clear is that the pains often associated with profiling can be reduced if there is a strong understanding of the variables that can be encountered during the reflow process, as well as the metallurgical dynamics of the soldering process. This paper shall provide a brief outline of the reflow profile in general, with specific emphasis placed upon the suggested time spent above the melting temperature of the solder. The guidelines for soldering to various surfaces and with alternative solder alloys also are discussed....

A Practical Guide to Achieving Lead-Free Electronics Assembly

Oct 18, 2007 | Karl Seelig, David Suraski

To successfully achieve lead-free electronics assembly, each participant in the manufacturing process, from purchasing to engineering to maintenance to Quality/Inspection, must have a solid understanding of the changes required of them. This pertains to considerations regarding design, components, PWBs, solder alloys, fluxe s, printing, reflow, wave soldering, rework, cleaning, equipment wear & tear and inspection....

A Study of Lead-Free Wave Soldering

May 02, 2007 | David Suraski.

This brief study of lead-free wave soldering focuses upon copper dissolution and solder maintenance issues. Unfortunately, it is determined that waste and changeover costs can dramatically increase with lead-free wave soldering....

Reflow Profiling: The Benefits of Implementing a Ramp-to-Spike Profile

Jun 27, 2000 | David Suraski

This paper shall discuss the appropriate guidelines and troubleshooting methods for reflow profiling, and in particular shall focus upon the benefits of implementing the linear ramp-to-spike profile....

A Study of Lead-Free Solder Alloys

May 09, 1999 | Karl F. Seelig.

With the ongoing concern regarding environmental pollutants, Iead is being targeted in the electronic assembly arena. This paper highlights lead-free solders and the different combinations of elemental makeups. ...

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Void Free Reflow Soldering