The SMTA is pleased to announce its election results for the Board of Directors for the term that began at SMTA International (October 14-18, 2012).
Bill Barthel, Plexus Corp. was elected as new President. Randy Schueller, Ph.D., DfR Solutions was elected as new Treasurer. Scott Nelson, Harris Corporation was elected to the Planning Committee.
Those remaining on the SMTA Board of Directors include: President, Bill Barthel, Plexus Corp; VP Technical Programs, Marie Cole, IBM Corporation; VP Communications, Michelle Ogihara, Seika Machinery, Inc.; VP Membership, Roy Starks, Libra Industries; VP Expos, Hal Hendrickson, Nordson DAGE; Treasurer, Randy Schueller, Ph.D., DfR Solutions, and Secretary, David Steele, DA-TECH Corporation. Planning Committee members include: Chair, Jeff Kennedy, Celestica, Inc.; Raiyomand Aspandiar, Ph.D., Intel Corporation; Scott Nelson, Harris Corporation; Scott Priore, Cisco Systems, Inc.; and Brian Toleno, Ph.D., Henkel Corporation.
The SMTA bids a fond farewell to departing directors Dan Baldwin, Engent Inc., Tom Forsythe, Kyzen Corporation, and Denis Barbini, Universal Instruments. They are congratulated for a job well done and given thanks for the years of dedication to the SMTA.
For more information on the SMTA Board of Directors election results, contact SMTA administrator JoAnn Stromberg: or 952-920-7682.
The SMTA membership is an international network of professionals who build skills, share practical experience and develop solutions in electronic assembly technologies, including microsystems, emerging technologies, and related business operations.