Testing today’s semiconductor devices requires the integration of several complex, highly customized pieces of hardware. Setting up a complete test cell typically requires multiple vendors and significant logistics management. This introduces several challenges, including vendor communication and component integration. These challenges make it extremely difficult to achieve first-pass success when developing a test cell. A new alternative is a single-source solution that minimizes vendor management, eliminates integration errors and provides a robust solution that meets application requirements.
The presentation introduces an integrated solution for a 26 GHz, tri-temperature test cell and describes some of the major challenges that were overcome along the way. This integrated solution includes a customized handler, change kit, tester interface board and contactor with thermal management. Developing a temperature-controlled chamber for tri-temp and the simulation and verification of a 26 GHz signal path proved to be some of the most challenging aspects of this project.
Multitest (headquartered in Rosenheim, Germany) is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of test equipment for semiconductors. Multitest markets test handlers, contactors, and ATE printed circuit boards. Globally, more than 700 employees serve the company’s customers in offices and branches in North America, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, China and Thailand. http://www.multitest.com