Discussion topics will include: How the technological marketing paradigm has changed and the imperative it has created for companies to invest in promotion on the web. This will be followed by a discussion about how these technologies are being used to make informed business decisions by effectively measuring efforts in order to provide a continuous feedback loop for improvement. The presentation is scheduled to take place Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 2 p.m. in Oceanic 7.
Web marketing continues to be a „side factor‟ in the SMT industry. This creates a huge opportunity for companies who understand the paradigm shift is now. We will outline some of the current and future challenges associated with marketing on the web, SMTnet will present many statistics and associated information about how and what companies are currently doing when marketing on the web vs. what they should be focused on doing.
SMTnet is a provider and developer of community based software and Internet marketing platforms for the SMT industry. SMTnet has over 30,000 engineers registered on the site at http://www.smtnet.com that participate and collaborate on a daily basis to create of community of engineering professionals that spans worldwide.