IPC-A-6012 Standards Expert (CSE) Certification Online Live Training Course
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This 4-day, live online course, suitable for both certification and re-certification, is a comprehensive, operator-level program that teaches the requirements for design, fabrication and inspection of rigid printed boards. Based heavily on IPC-6012 “Qualification and Performance Specification for Rigid Printed Boards”, with supporting documentation from IPC-A-600 “The Acceptability of Printed Boards”, this certification and re-certification is a great asset for designers, manufacturing and quality engineers, purchasing agents, managers and supervisors, fabricators, board shop auditors and anyone recommending, inspecting, or specifying printed circuit boards. If you are looking for a comprehensive program that will develop your understanding of design, specifications, fabrication and inspection of printed circuit boards (PCBs), this is the program for you. The IPC-6012 specification establishes and defines the qualifications and performance requirements for the fabrication of rigid printed boards. The IPC-6012 specification is the focal point of this course and will be covered in its entirety. As part of the requirements for certification and re-certification, students must score at least a 70% on each exam. |
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