New SMT Equipment: class 3 reflow lead to smaller pad (1)

Agilent Medalist SP50 Series 3 - SPI

Agilent Medalist SP50 Series 3 - SPI

New Equipment | Inspection

Automated 3D paste inspection for print process characterization, control and early defect prevention Best-in-class shadow free 3D paste measurement from the world’s leader in test and measurement. The Medalist SP50 Series 3 Dual Laser system is th

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

Electronics Forum: class 3 reflow lead to smaller pad (2)

Re: MicroBGA qualification process

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 21:46:56 EST 2000 | Dave F

Reg: This is copy / paste from draft version of IPC 7095 ( issued May 1999 ) ... 7.3 Assembly accept/reject criteria 7.3.1 Voids in solder joint a. Sources of Voids There can be voids in solder balls, or at the solder joints to the BGA, or at the so

Books for SMT

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 20:34:17 EST 2007 | davef

DAVE�S BOOKSHELF ASSEMBLER�S ESSENTIALS Title: Soldering in ElectronicsAuthor: RJ Klein WassinkPublisher: Electrochemical PublicationsISBN: 090115024XPublication date: December 1989 I know, I know. The book was written in 1989!!!! I use this b

Industry News: class 3 reflow lead to smaller pad (6)

Cobar Solder Products to Sponsor the Second Annual IPC Midwest Soldering Competition

Industry News | 2012-07-26 09:54:31.0

The Balver Zinn Group announces that Cobar Solder Products Inc. will sponsor and participate in the second annual IPC Midwest Soldering competition held in conjunction with the IPC Midwest Exhibition & Conference

Balver Zinn

FCT Assembly to Display Advanced Solder Pastes and Stencil Technology at SMTAI 2009

Industry News | 2009-09-17 15:08:48.0

GREELEY, CO —FCT Assembly announces that it will debut four new solder pastes and showcase its breakthrough UltraSlic™ FG solder paste stencil in booth 417 at the upcoming SMTA International conference & exhibition, scheduled to take place October 6-7, 2009 at The Town and Country Resort and Convention Center in San Diego.


Express Newsletter: class 3 reflow lead to smaller pad (1075)

Technical Considerations For Controlling ESD In Electronics Manufacturing

Technical Considerations For Controlling ESD In Electronics Manufacturing Technical Considerations For Controlling ESD In Electronics Manufacturing As device geometries get smaller and processing speeds grow faster, their ESD sensitivity

SMT Express, Volume 3, Issue No. 6 - from

---> SMT Express, Volume 3, Issue No. 6 - from Volume 3, Issue No. 6 Friday, June 15, 2001 Featured Article Return to Front Page PCB Assembly Techniques by Harvey Twyman , University of Kent at Canterbury "I'm sure you

Partner Websites: class 3 reflow lead to smaller pad (102)

How To Set Profile In SMT Reflow Oven-SMT Technical-Reflow oven,SMT Reflow Soldering Oven-cmsadmin


. In order to get the best profile, temperature rising rate is recommended to be 0.5~1?/second; for traditional profile, it is better to use a rate of 3~4?/second.   Reflow soldering

Vacuum Reflow Oven

Heller Industries Inc. |

Vacuum Reflow Oven Home » Voidless / Vacuum Reflow Soldering Ovens » 1912mk5-VR Voidless Vacuum Reflow Oven 1912MK5-VR Vacuum Reflow Oven Voidless Vacuum Reflow Oven The 1912MK5-VR contains 3 infrared heated zones and 11 convection zones, giving the flexibility to

Heller Industries Inc.

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