New SMT Equipment: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (1)

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI

New Equipment | Test Equipment

Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI component Range: 01005 PCB size:350x330mm Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm weight:800kg Product description: Koh Young KY8030-3 3D Inline SPI, component Range: 01005, PCB size:350x330mm, Dimension:1000x1335x1627mm, weight:

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Electronics Forum: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (21)

Does pot temperature affects quality of the solder joints?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 02:04:50 EST 2017 | soldertraining

Selective Soldering Frames can pull large amounts of heat from the solder wave at the point of contact, effectively lowering the temperature of the solder at the solder joint. You should confirm the temperature of the solder joints by running a therm

How to improve the solder quality of QFN?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 11:56:51 EDT 2005 | wjxingggg

Hi, all. There is one 0.8mmX0.8mm QFN on almost of our PWBAs. But the quality report showed that we got bad solder quality for this component. My question is which elements are the root cause for this situation frequently? Thanks.

Industry News: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (13)

An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:27:03.0

An Analysis of SMT Solder Paste Printing Defects

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Is Stress the Root of Tin Whisker Growth? Brown University professor and other experts to present research at 7th International Tin Whiskers Symposium

Industry News | 2013-11-01 16:09:44.0

Eric Chason, Ph.D., professor of engineering at Brown University, will present his tin whisker research at the 7th International Tin Whiskers Symposium, November 12–13 in Costa Mesa, Calif., hosted by IPC with academic partner CALCE.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (3)

Possible reasons for simultaneous solder skip and short circuit of BGA

Technical Library | 2018-11-07 03:31:04.0

Generally speaking, there are not many cases of insufficient solder and solder short in BGA soldering, but it is not impossible. Here we discuss some elements may cause it

Seamark Zhuomao Photoeletric technology(Shenzhen)CO., ltd

Evaluation of No-Clean Flux Residues Remaining After Secondary Process Operations

Technical Library | 2023-04-17 17:05:47.0

In an ideal world, manufacturing devices would work all of the time, however, every company receives customer returns for a variety of reasons. If these returned parts contributed to a fail, most companies will perform failure analysis (FA) on the returned parts to determine the root cause of the failure. Failure can occur for a multitude of reasons, for example: wear out, fatigue, design issues, manufacturing flaw or defect. This information is then used to improve the overall quality of the product and prevent reoccurrence. If no defect is found, it is possible that in fact the product has no defect. On the other hand, the defect could be elusive and the FA techniques insufficient to detect said deficiency. No-clean flux residues can cause intermittent or elusive, hard to find defects. In an attempt to understand the effects of no-clean flux residues from the secondary soldering and cleaning processes, a matrix of varying process and cleaning operation was investigated. Of special interest, traveling flux residues and entrapped residues were examined, as well as localized and batch cleaning processes. Various techniques were employed to test the remaining residues in order to assess their propensity to cause a latent failure. These techniques include Surface Insulation Resistance1 (SIR) testing at 40⁰C/90% RH, 5 VDC bias along with C32 testing and Ion Exchange Chromatography (IC). These techniques facilitate the assessment of the capillary effect the tight spacing these component structures have when flux residues are present. It is expected that dendritic shorting and measurable current leakage will occur, indicating a failing SIR test. However, since the residue resides under the discrete components, there will be no visual evidence of dendritic growth or metal migration.

Foresite Inc.

Videos: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (1)

I.C.T Lyra Series Reflow Oven with CBS Function

I.C.T Lyra Series Reflow Oven with CBS Function


Lyra Reflow Oven is a soft soldering that realizes the mechanical and electrical connection between the solder ends of surface mount components or the pins and the printed board pads by remelting the solder paste pre-distributed on the printed board

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Events Calendar: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (1)

X-Ray of PCBs Webtorial

Events Calendar | Wed Dec 06 00:00:00 EST 2017 - Wed Dec 13 00:00:00 EST 2017 | Rolling Meadows, Illinois USA

X-Ray of PCBs Webtorial


Express Newsletter: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (1000)

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 3 - from

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 3 - from Volume 2, Issue No. 3 Thursday, March 16, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Curtailing Voids in Fine Pitch Ball Grid Array Solder Joints by Gary Morrison and Kevin Lyne

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 6 - from

SMT Express, Volume 2, Issue No. 6 - from Volume 2, Issue No. 6 Wednesday, June 14, 2000 Featured Article Return to Front Page Process Control for Solder Flux Stacy KaliszMark OwenMVTechnology Ltd. ABSTRACT Flux used in ball grid

Partner Websites: insufficient solder root cause of escapee (105)

Identifying and Correcting Solder Bridge Defects | Imagineering, Inc.

Imagineering, Inc. |

. Unfortunately, there are numerous causes that can produce solder bridging. To produce as quickly and efficiently as possible, finding the root cause of this defect is critical

Imagineering, Inc.

5 Common Solder Mistakes and How to Resolve Them


.   4. Cold Solder Joint A   cold solder joint   occurs when the solder does not melt completely. A result of insufficient heat, cold joints are often characterized by being rigid, rough, and uneven in appearance

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