Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider
Diamond MT is proud to offer Global Subcontract Parylene and Liquid Conformal Coating Services.
Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer
VSi Parylene is here to help your business incorporate parylene conformal coating into its production process. VSi provides parylene coating as a service or the equipment and expertise to help you parylene coat in-house.
New Equipment | Coating Equipment
Technology for advanced conformal coating applications. SCS offers Parylene deposition systems that range from a portable laboratory unit to production models for high-volume manufacturing applications. SCS Parylene deposition systems are designed f
New Equipment | Coating Materials
Parylene is a green chemistry, which is self-initiated (no initiator needed) and un-terminated (no termination group needed) with no solvent or catalyst required. Parylene is applied to electronic circuitry, medical devices, aerospace applications,
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 14:31:33 EDT 2005 | Peter
I am working on an application requiring removing BGAs from a board coated with parylene. These BGAs have low standoff with less than 0.015" after SMT soldering. Can some comment on a reliable and consistent process to perform such rework? given tha
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 13:06:36 EDT 2005 | jimby
You will have to machine the part off down to the top of the balls. Wick solder off from individual sites one at a time. All that will be left is Parylene shell where balls once were. Take an orangestick and alcohol to break up and remove. Tricky par
Industry News | 2012-08-09 18:20:49.0
The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to invite you to its upcoming Capital Expo and Tech Form at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, on August 23, 2012 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Industry News | 2012-07-27 18:22:12.0
- The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to invite you to its upcoming Capital Expo and Tech Form at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, on August 23, 2012 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm.
Technical Library | 2017-04-13 10:57:53.0
Parylene has been used for decades as a barrier layer to protect critical devices and components. The parylene deposition process typically requires an adhesion promotion step to make sure the parylene adheres well to the base substrate. Typical adhesion methods don't work well on Kapton and Polyamide, until VSI Parylene came up with a solution.
Technical Library | 2015-10-22 17:37:28.0
The objective of this study is to evaluate conformal coatings for mitigation of tin whisker growth. The conformal coatings chosen for the experiment are acrylic, polyurethane and parylene. Also included in this paper are tin whisker inspection results of tin-plated braiding and wire that was exposed to an environment of 50°C with 50% relative humidity for over five years.
link: ASCEN designs and manufacturers pcb conformal coating machine for the printed circuit board industry.surface conformal coating equipment include selective coating,brush coating, aeroso PCB Conformal coating machine is used to paint conformal coating onto full LED panel to avoid PCB moisture,sault and static.It can be full panel conformal coating or selective coati
ASCEN Technology |
Technologies specialties.ASCEN technologies can provide a unique and completely global coating solution for conformal coatings,parylene and other thin film technologies,From batch to high-volume and in-line processing,a
Baja Bid |
: Asymtek C-740 Conformal Coater Paratronix 494-18-28-VP Parylene Coat Glenro Conformal Coat Support Equipment: South-Tek Systems N2-GEN-70C Nitrogen Generator South-Tek Systems N2-30C Nitrogen Generator Kaeser ASD-40T Rotary Screw Air Compressor Kaser AS-30 Rotary Screw Air Compressor w/ Dryer Mikropor MMD