Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 11:51:25 EDT 2007 | rgduval
By definition, no clean solder can be not-cleaned. The solder/flux are formulated to result in low ionic-contamination, hence, no cleaning. I have, however, always had at least one customer that requests their no-clean solder get cleaned. No-clean
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 26 07:41:26 EDT 2007 | bbl
We recently changed to an Amtech no clean paste and flux that is washable. So far excellent results. Far superior to the water soluable paste we were using. Fewer solder balls, longer life in printer, boards can be left up to 5 days and still come
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Aqueous SMT600 Aqueous Technologies Batch Cleaner Model No: SMT600-LD Serial No: 6871 Year 10/24/01 Single phase, 208 Volt, max amperage