Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 08:08:10 EDT 2005 | davef
Could the temperature of your reflow recipe be exceeding the limits of the materials used to fabricate your board?
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 08:40:34 EDT 2003 | Chip Shooter
Not yet in Sweden but I would not be surprised...
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 08:25:08 EDT 2004 | davef
Consider the pad calculator on the IPC site [ http://www.ipc.org ]
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 08:51:08 EDT 2005 | davef
Does the product that you assemble meet your customers' requirements?
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 08:52:58 EDT 2005 | pjc
Is there such a supply problem for used equipment that you have to source from China? ! What a nightmare !
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 08:46:05 EDT 2005 | pjc
Try contacting the mfr.: http://www.vjelectronix.com/vjebeta/index.asp
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 09:08:55 EDT 2005 | ktron
Hi Jim, What type of your PCB finish?
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 08:45:08 EDT 2006 | finalassy
Is there anybody that is currently running Water soluable on these machines?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 08 08:33:08 EST 2007 | jdumont
Most likely ground plane stealing your heat. Increase dwell slightly if you can.